After one long day in psh due to jaundice...mama and my briliant hubby make ourself the phototherapy at home...using a simple tools...and wallah...it's working.....now...i can do the treatment anytime I want...and did not put faris in any stress... woh...he been crying soooo much in the nursery....poor faris...and becoz of the...mama decided to stay in the ward...to be with him all the time....erm...mahal pun mahal le weh....kopak pun kopak le....janji. anak sehat....mama took the vip suite so the all of us.. the kiddos n hubby stay together....hehehe...it's fun for those munchkins.....but a tiring night for me.....
Alhamdullillah...Allah make it easy on me and family...eventho we are all tired...but we enjoy the journey....as a family....bak kata org...susah senang...sama2 kongsi....the kids pun seems to understand...mama and abah is very tired...they just follow us anywhere without complain....tak meragam or merengek letih...asyik dok dlm kereta yg uzur tu....Alhamdullilah....
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1 comment:
mek, ko buat cane kat umah? sewa lampu dia ke?
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