Monday, 21 November 2011

me and kueh lapis

basicly, malaysian call this kueh lapis...why...alah...coz its berlapis2...

haris asked me..'' what is lapis? '' layer sayang...layer....

normally the old version of this kueh is only red n warna ada..still i like the old version one...cantik dan kemas :-)

how do weveat this kueh....very easy...ngap...

but not for me...

first...i need to peel it..layer by is very theraputics to do so...and its runs in the family mom do it, me and now the kids...

if i went to the shop, i see kueh lapis...i'll make sure that it is not sticky to each other...if they do...most likely it can't be sooo pist off if somebody sell kueh lapis and i can't peel it...come on.....kalau x..jgn jual...and if it can't be peel...meaning they did not cook the layer properly... mentah tu...mentah....

btw...i don't know how to make kuah lapis...that is why i need to buy them...hahaha's kueh lapis is good...sedap n can be peel...

im soo happy :-) gile kentang..happy sebab kueh lapis..:-)

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Blog Diva said...

stylo lah ct makan kueh lapeh...

Cikgi Diva :-) said...

haha srupa la aku.slice by slice.