Ok..mama baru balik dari jumpa Dr mama....apa yg di bincangkan dgn Dr itu..bukan lah pasal penyakit mama or what so ever...but pasal education system di malaysia...
The Dr speak from her experience.. how the school and the education system in my area and as a whole.. Waaaaaa...takut nye...memang mama akan fight lah untuk homeschooling anak2 mama ni...tak sanggup nak menggadaikan anak2 pada mereka2..( cikgu2 yg tidak mahu mendidik dan hanya mahu duit!)... pergh...get a life lah!...haih!...
She said...
my older doter..now is in 3 grade...she is a very fast learner...knows basically all things by 6 yrs old....she been sent to this good kinder..and she is a bright girl...
There is no other option for her to go to other school except the one we have here in my place...
Suddenly the lovely bright girl...become so average, lost her Eng n Chinese speaking ability ( she's a malay) don't feel like going to school and this star is not shinning anymore...
then the mom korek2 cerita from her.. ( ini cerita from darjah 1 and now she is in darjah 3) the teacher there, hit her, tampar other pupils, calling them bodoh, salah sikit2..contoh terskip page org salah tampal gambar ect...kena maki...siap ugut2 bunuh the pupil....
the malay Eng teacher is a B#CTH....ok...marah...memang marah...even mama sendiri tak pernah keluarkan perkataan2 itu ya....so..she is totally a B#G FAT #SS B#TCH...
the thing is...the mom is a Dr...they went to the School PIBG meeting...bring up the matters to others and guess what..nothing been done....until alot of student had change their school..then the head teacher ( more likely to be head monkey) sedar...but to my suprise...the teacher is still there!...the B#TCH is still in that school...
banyak nye mencarut..aah..marah ni...tgh terbayang..anak2 mama yg mama bekorban bertahun2 didik jadi elok2...tiba2..letak pada B#TCH yg mencarut2...aper hal! (mama mencarut hanya dalam blog esp entry ini lah weh...tak tahan dah weh!..kat luar tak pernah sebut..esp depan anak2...)
itu baru sikit....
then the Dr said
if u compliant...anything...just anything..they will make your children suffer...
The girl actually said this to her..'' mama..jgn cakap apa2 pada cikgu lagi ye?'' WTF
nak masukkan ke private school..call hidayah school..but the teacher always changing..because:
''cikgu yg kerja di private sector ni..tak banyak benefit so the apply to goverment school..''
apa benefit tu?..low rate loans, elauns ect...
bila selalu tukar cikgu...maknanya...cikgu2 baru tak tahu aper kebendenya tentang pupils tu...start fresh everytime...ok..not good for student ok...confusions!
nampak sgt alot...not all..but alot of the teacher work as a teacher..bukan sebab passion..but sebab tak boleh nak kerja lain ( taklayak) or other reason yg tah aper2... HELL-OOO kalau tak nak jadi cikgu and nak marah2 maki budak2..baik berenti ..kerja MLM!!...
perihal cikgu punya baik perangai....
selalu amik MC tanpa sebab kukuh.... SH#T
bila diorang on leave/ cuti/ mc..ect ( mereka tak datang kelas) ada cikgu ganti...but cikgu ganti will do this
aktivity bebas ..another SH#T...
her doter...darjah 3...exam awal tahun ke per...tak tahu aper..tanya dah bealajr sampai mana..dia ckp 1 page aje...bila tnya cikgu...oh...cikgu tu on maternity leave... then cikgu ganti buat aktiviti bebas all the time..then buat soalan...budak nak jawab aper...oh..sooooo...stupid...tanya head teacher ( monkey) eh...mereka ajar...ajar aper?...cara nak main?
letih sgt dgr cerita Dr tadi...sampai mama rasa pucat2 dah muka mama masa tu...macam mana ni...memang kena buat something...not to the school lah kan...coz our edu system is so like MAD...memang mama kena jadi menteri baru boleh ubah...but to my kiddos...i will fight...fight until Allah knows when.....scarynya....
patut lah agak2 nya..ramai org kat msia ni..tak kesah sgt utk buat early edu kat anak2..sebab..kalau anak pandai macam mana pun..bila masuk sekolah kerajaan..anak tu jadi biasa juga..tambah..silap2 lagi bodoh nauzubillah....dgn keadaan cikgu2 macam ni....memang lah...habis semua budak2...janji nak mengajar tu..silibus habis, ko faham ke tidak ko punya pasal..janji gaji aku masuk hujung bulan dan pengetua tak bising...BODOH lah weh!
ps: udah...nak stop...anak2 nak buat aktivity...patut lah adiputra masuk sekolah jadi boring....rupanya cikgu2 macam kentut!...skip aje lah math tu kalau dia dah pandai...bagi aje lah buku calculus pada dia...kalau ko dah tak reti nak handle..jgn cakap budak tu tak berdisiplin!..B#llSh#T!
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