Hari ni selamat lah acik ayu berehat dan bersantai di melaka...oh...sungguh sedih mama haris n Aisyah kat coventry ni...
Acik ayu ni mama nye bespren kat coventry ni..rumah dekat aje...selang 10 pintu aje...selalu lah pergi bertandang ke sana esp waktu summer...anak2 main sekali...mama2 masak sekali...sembang2...aduh..pasti akan merindui saat2 manis tu...
Nanti kami pulang kami pasti akan ke melaka...bawak Aisyah n haris yg dah besar ni...jumpa Amaar n Ameer.....tapi yg penting mama nak jumpa Ayu...mesti best...
Hari ni nak call ayu di msia...tapi tunggu bila coventry petang sikit sebab tahu..mereka sedang jetlag lagi tu...
and petang ni nak ke Birm..pickup barang Ebay..erm...mama dah beli portable swing utk Aisyah...bukan suka2 ye...Aisyah selalu colic...jadi baca2 article..salah satu cara nak tenang kan dia..boh dlm buai...jadi mama beli lah...harap2 jadi...
ok..need to go...nak masak...lunch time is here....
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Thursday, 25 December 2008
My Darlings!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
I'm with u MUNTAZER!
For those who did not know who is Muntazer..he's the one who throw that nice black size 10 shoe to Mr Perasan Bagus BUSH....hoho....
Sayang betul lah..tak kena pulak tu...kalau kena kan bagus....mesti ramai yg happy kan...termasuk lah diri ku ini...dah lama rasa nye tunggu peluang ni...sekali dalam sejarah tu...iskh..kenapa lah tak kena...hehehe...
Muntazer now is in prison in Bangdad...he been torture by the police to write a letter asking forgiveness from that stupid BUSH...kesian die...
Tak per...MUNTAZER..rasa nye..bush dah serik nak datang negara arab ni...sebab rasa2 nye akan ade lagi org lain yg teruja ngan keberanian muntazer membaling kasut tu...juga akan membaling kasut pada si tua bangka tak sedar diri BUSH tu....harap2 lepas ni ada yg berani baling pisau ke..bom ke...botol kaca ke...yg lebih power lagi dari kasut..
CAYA LAH..MUNTAZER...tabek spring toi toi toi sama lu!
Sayang betul lah..tak kena pulak tu...kalau kena kan bagus....mesti ramai yg happy kan...termasuk lah diri ku ini...dah lama rasa nye tunggu peluang ni...sekali dalam sejarah tu...iskh..kenapa lah tak kena...hehehe...
Muntazer now is in prison in Bangdad...he been torture by the police to write a letter asking forgiveness from that stupid BUSH...kesian die...
Tak per...MUNTAZER..rasa nye..bush dah serik nak datang negara arab ni...sebab rasa2 nye akan ade lagi org lain yg teruja ngan keberanian muntazer membaling kasut tu...juga akan membaling kasut pada si tua bangka tak sedar diri BUSH tu....harap2 lepas ni ada yg berani baling pisau ke..bom ke...botol kaca ke...yg lebih power lagi dari kasut..
CAYA LAH..MUNTAZER...tabek spring toi toi toi sama lu!
Saturday, 20 December 2008
InsyaAllah..the next view

Dok godek2 gambar dlm laptop ni...terjumpa pulak gambar rumah kami kat johor...
insyaAllah..kami akan kesana bila sampai waktu nya...
view from our master bedroom...
note: this house we all beli from uk...erm...belom pernah tengok real2 lagi ni...thanks to my inlaws and cikgu ramli for taking care of the house....Hanya Allah yg akan membalas jasa semua...
alamak...tak sabar nye nak balik...huhuhu
3 weeks old aisyah
Thursday, 18 December 2008
When winter kicks in!
Winter...if you never had any winter experience... you will think that winter is the best time of the year...white powdery snow....warming up infront of a fire place while reading book and drinking tea....aaaaa...what an enjoyment!....
STOP!!!!..not for me...having frost bite...long nite...24hrs of wanting to eat( sejuk2 ni lapo)...all those winter bugs...making me wanting to go home so badly...i miss the hot sunny day...with all those food and longer day time to leisure out with my children...
won't be long now..another 5 more month...dah nak balik...can't wait...
tapi org kata...bila dah balik nanti..rindu pulak nak datang cni...erm...for now...belum rasa nak datang balik...but i will definitely miss the carboot sale!....kat msia tak de carboot sale...here..almost every weekends we all went there...kadang2 tak beli aper pun..just to cuci2 mata and ambil angin sejuk...hehehe
not...tengah dalam pantang ni...belom boleh ke carboot..but will start the routine as soon as habis pantang memantang ni...nak kumpul last minute punye barang...hehehe...
ok need to go now...nak makan...darling beli rice n curry with lamb doner...lapo...kan winter ni!...hahaha
STOP!!!!..not for me...having frost bite...long nite...24hrs of wanting to eat( sejuk2 ni lapo)...all those winter bugs...making me wanting to go home so badly...i miss the hot sunny day...with all those food and longer day time to leisure out with my children...
won't be long now..another 5 more month...dah nak balik...can't wait...
tapi org kata...bila dah balik nanti..rindu pulak nak datang cni...erm...for now...belum rasa nak datang balik...but i will definitely miss the carboot sale!....kat msia tak de carboot sale...here..almost every weekends we all went there...kadang2 tak beli aper pun..just to cuci2 mata and ambil angin sejuk...hehehe
not...tengah dalam pantang ni...belom boleh ke carboot..but will start the routine as soon as habis pantang memantang ni...nak kumpul last minute punye barang...hehehe...
ok need to go now...nak makan...darling beli rice n curry with lamb doner...lapo...kan winter ni!...hahaha
Saturday, 13 December 2008
my new routine
full time mom with 2 adorable childrens...Haris and Aisyah...
day time...
p/s...she is sleeping now..and i can't wait for her to wake up...coz i want to hold her close to me...kiss her...feed her with my milk...and watch her sleep again feeling full with my milk...Alhamdulillah...max satisfactions!!...
day time...
- feeding Aisyah
- change Aisyah
- play with Haris n Aisyah
- feeding Aisyah
- change Aisyah
p/s...she is sleeping now..and i can't wait for her to wake up...coz i want to hold her close to me...kiss her...feed her with my milk...and watch her sleep again feeling full with my milk...Alhamdulillah...max satisfactions!!...
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
My Princess in here!
yap...finally she is here....it's a very long and complicated journey for both of us....but finally she is here with our family...
Summary of the Journey..
She was born 1/12/2008..11.09 am UK time..birth weight 3.760kg....10 hours labour..normal delivery..Alhamdullillah
Having Persistent Pulmonary hypertension on newborn....admitted to NICU for 4 days...Alhamdullillah...fast recovery...with no complication....screening test done...everything is normal..as normal as a normal baby...Alhamdullillah...
Now At home...on breast feeding...on constantly on demand..Alhamdullillah...
As for myself.....it is a traumatic delivery...but Alhamdullilah...Having the best husband in the world...his support..his smile...his word of comfort...his sacrifices...Only Allah knows how it meant to me....Alhamdullillah....
Now...as things is sattle down...My feeling is blosom with all the motherhood feeling..having a cute little baby to take care of...having cheeky little toddler to play with.....make my life so meaningfull....and having the most caring father to my childrens...Alhamdullillah...that's the best word to say...Thanks to Allah...for the Nikmat that He has bless upon me and my family....
this is my Princess...Aisyah Sumayyah binti Fauzan khairi...Alhamdullillah....
Sunday, 16 November 2008
And it's open!
Finally..the moses basket is open..the house is practically ready for it's new member..it's clean and tidy..aaaaaaa...lega lah....the only thing to do is wait...
Pray for me..Oh Allah...Make my task easy in this world and the hereafter..Amin...
Pray for me..Oh Allah...Make my task easy in this world and the hereafter..Amin...
Saturday, 15 November 2008
It's saturday....
hohoho...Bila dah duduk kat tempat yg boring ni esp winter time...memang ternanti2 weekend ni...yer lah....
how's your weekend?...anything interesting?...enjoy while u can...coz monday is just around the corner!!!
- hubby cuti..not going to uni!..
- Ramai org ajak gi rumah...hehehehe...makan free...tak yah masak...mak buyung tired...
- Time nak melawat2 tempat shoping...but not now..i'm to ''heavy to walk''
- if kat dapor...kerja sama with hubby darling..masak sedap2...nasi beriani....pilau rice....nasik lemek...canggih2 nye lah..hehehe
- bermanja....bermesra...bergurau....berehat....semua lah ngan hubby n haris n perut ku yg besar ni!!!...
- visit..1 malaysian family with their new born baby boy
- visit..uncle jie...our pakistani friend here
- beli barang dapur..hehehe..wajib!
- my hubby ade app repair com org...his hobby!
how's your weekend?...anything interesting?...enjoy while u can...coz monday is just around the corner!!!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Today...feel very energetic...when i woke up for fajar..i go straigt to the frigde....take out 1 big plastic bag of mutton..and defrost it...in my mind...''hari ni kite masak..kari kambing ni...pastu buat sup kambing sikit...rebus lama2 kasi lembut n sedap..mesti abang suke''...hahahah...and that will be the menu for today!!...
then...i make myself 1 cup of light..yap light coffee and make toast with butter...sit on my ''ready open'' sofa bed and enjoy my morning while reading my friend blog http://fazlynaarif.blogspot.com/....
it have been few days now that i been feeling rather down..erm....not because i dont' feel happy..it just that...my physical is to tired..i've been vomiting without any reason...having tommy upset...back pain....all of this make me feel so misirable...but Alhamdullillah...it seems that i'm adapting to the situation quite well...so...today...i feel strong ...Alhamdullillah...
My dear friend..it wont be long now for my baby to pop out...Just make doa for me...Everything goes well and please forgive me if i ever hurt anyones feeling from my writing...
will update the latest news...maybe with a new baby pict'' wink'' insyaAllah...can't wait...
ok need to cook now...daaaa....
then...i make myself 1 cup of light..yap light coffee and make toast with butter...sit on my ''ready open'' sofa bed and enjoy my morning while reading my friend blog http://fazlynaarif.blogspot.com/....
it have been few days now that i been feeling rather down..erm....not because i dont' feel happy..it just that...my physical is to tired..i've been vomiting without any reason...having tommy upset...back pain....all of this make me feel so misirable...but Alhamdullillah...it seems that i'm adapting to the situation quite well...so...today...i feel strong ...Alhamdullillah...
My dear friend..it wont be long now for my baby to pop out...Just make doa for me...Everything goes well and please forgive me if i ever hurt anyones feeling from my writing...
will update the latest news...maybe with a new baby pict'' wink'' insyaAllah...can't wait...
ok need to cook now...daaaa....
Saturday, 8 November 2008
the waiting...

Alhamdullillah...i'm 37 weeks ++ now...and it seems that the time fly so slow..hohoho...bila nak bersalin ni...last time haris, he was born at 38++ ...and they say that the second one usually faster...oh please make it true....rasa macam perut ni dah tight sgt...when the baby move..mak ai...sakit!!!....
as for my self...my weight..erm...it's more the when i had haris...my tummy....bigger the the last one...and when this add up...mama look more bulat...gemuk..chomel...montel then last the last one!....hua...boleh turun ke ni?..
i just remember..last time when i had haris...i was in malaysia...i bought this nice motherclub maternity pants...fit me so nicely that time...hehehe...even just before delivery..masih cun n bergaya''wink''....and guess what..this time..i can't even wear it when i'm 34 weeks...aper nih?...tension2...nasib baik...ada banyak stock maternity cloth kat UK ni...still boleh bergaya utk mama yag bulat ni...hahahaha...
but the best part it...when i ask my darling Mr FKCH...''Abang..mama nampak gemuk ke?...and with the sweetest smile he reply...ada lah sikit..tapi mama tak nampak gemuk lah....ok aje''....hehehe...and actually...other people also say that i'm not that fat...the midwife here also say like that...and the like to say..oh...what a nice little bump there...nice to feel...yer ke ni...ke nak tenang kan aku aje...huhuhu...
what ever it is...i still feel and look bigger then haris last time...and i like to eat more then haris...erm...anything will do now...mesti mkn...argh...biar betul...darling selalu cakap...tak pe lah mama..makan aje...baby lapar tu...oh my darling...i don't think it's the baby...i think it just me!!!..noooooooo...
ok..need to stop now...it's almost 8 am..and i'm damn hungry...nak makan lah....
see u all later..daaaa.....
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Evil eye part 2
Alhamdullillah...i did some more research about this thing..and i found alot of hadith that support it...amongs is from Bukhari and muwatta...
Malas pulak nak post satu2...just give u all the link to the hadith...hehehe...ni buat entry after subuh ni..perut lapar..mata berat....so..fast entry..hehehe...nak masak pulak ni...
i'm so lah cetek nye ilmu2 agama ni...but Allah love for those who want to learn and learn it with sincere...Just make the intention to please Allah..and Allah will surely help us..in a way that u never think of...
Allah is so mercy...
Malas pulak nak post satu2...just give u all the link to the hadith...hehehe...ni buat entry after subuh ni..perut lapar..mata berat....so..fast entry..hehehe...nak masak pulak ni...
i'm so lah cetek nye ilmu2 agama ni...but Allah love for those who want to learn and learn it with sincere...Just make the intention to please Allah..and Allah will surely help us..in a way that u never think of...
Allah is so mercy...
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Evil Eye..
i don't know about this evil eye until i learn it here..yap...in UK...
i was toold that this evil eye...is one out of 2 things that can change your nasib...one is Doa..and one is evil eye..
i'm sure people in our culture have heard about...this petua...if u see budak montel2...jgn say montel nye..nanti budak tu kurus...yap that's evil eye...
actually people was saying it out of jealousy sama ada sedar atau tak sedar...erm..it can be a doa that will make the person who being evil eye to suffer...especially small children....and it can happen to anybody..
So Rasullullah also did warned us about this...and if u read surah L Falaq n An Nas translation...you will fine this evil eye montion in it....
So the thing that we can to to prevent our family from this is:
Panjang tazkirah hari ni..hehehe..harap dapat membantu..Amin
see u all later...bye....
i was toold that this evil eye...is one out of 2 things that can change your nasib...one is Doa..and one is evil eye..
i'm sure people in our culture have heard about...this petua...if u see budak montel2...jgn say montel nye..nanti budak tu kurus...yap that's evil eye...
actually people was saying it out of jealousy sama ada sedar atau tak sedar...erm..it can be a doa that will make the person who being evil eye to suffer...especially small children....and it can happen to anybody..
So Rasullullah also did warned us about this...and if u read surah L Falaq n An Nas translation...you will fine this evil eye montion in it....
So the thing that we can to to prevent our family from this is:
- Try to keep all the good thing about our family to someone close and u can trust will not have the jealouse toward us...contoh..if anak kite pandai ke...kite bahagia ke...
- Read Surah Al ikhlas, Al Falaq and Annas all 3 times and blow to our child, ourself n hubby b4 sleep and in the morning..
- Read this doa: I seek of the perfect Words of Allah from the evil of every shaytan and poisonous reptile and from the evil of every piercing evil-eye...nanti i will post the arabic version..read this 3 time morning and evening..
- and untuk elakkan kite dari memberi evil eye pada org lain secara tidak sedar...setiap kali kite memuji org...kiter kena cakap MasyaAllah....
Panjang tazkirah hari ni..hehehe..harap dapat membantu..Amin
see u all later...bye....
Sunday, 2 November 2008
First snow Coventry 2008
This year...the first snow is in Autumn...yap...freezing cold...date...30th October 2008...so without wasting any ''snow''...we put on our winter cloth n go outside with my darling 300D...snap few pict and rush back in as our finger is too painful even to press the camera button due to frost bites!
enjoy the pict!...
Friday, 24 October 2008
Baby's name...
Less then a month to go...should have some idea about the name....still fancy this long2 name..heheheh...i'm sure my Mr FKCH will not like it....but...who's the one with a BIG belly here?...hahahaha.....As for my first baby...the name is long...yap...very long...hehehe....i still want the 2nd one to have a long name....i just like it...don't ask why....hehehe...the name MUST start with Aisyah ( coz of the dream i had about this name)...and END with Summayyah ( coz i did promise my self if a had a girl...i want to name her this name)......and the middle part...erm....the list will go like this...
p/s: Aisyah Sarah Summayyah...sound good eh?...hahahaha
need to go now....see u all later..daaaaa
- Yasmine
- Sarah
- Husna
- Sofea
p/s: Aisyah Sarah Summayyah...sound good eh?...hahahaha
need to go now....see u all later..daaaaa
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Autumn Day out!
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Lawyer Of Korea...
My Latest Drama..erm..tengah kemaruk cerita2 org mata sepet ni...erm...dapat rasa yg baby ni will take Mr FKCH eyes lah....sepet...hehehe...and hopfully his nose too...manchung terpacak...hahaha...like korean lah..mata sepet...idung mancung..skin?..no comment...first one ikut MR one's...dark...so...tak put high hope for 2nd one..Asal Sehat..sempurna..solehah...selamat..Alhamdullillah...anyway....Skin color will not count as SYARAT to enter Jannah....hehehe..
layan jap...
layan jap...
Monday, 13 October 2008
Hospital bag?
still need to refine things that need to be put inside the bag.....the hospital will take 20 min from our house....and i don't want my darling to go back home and spend 40 min just to take my breast pad!!!....so...will make sure i have everything in hand...hoho...
wish me luck...
opss!!!....i need to put down in the list...BABY CARSEAT!!!!!...
- will start to wash all the baby cloth.....
- will open the moses basket......
- will reorganise my baby wordrobe(s)..
- will pack my hospital bag...erm...what?...hospital bag?...aper nak isi ye..no idea....erm...still thinking...(while thinking..my hand write down all the possible things in the list...)
still need to refine things that need to be put inside the bag.....the hospital will take 20 min from our house....and i don't want my darling to go back home and spend 40 min just to take my breast pad!!!....so...will make sure i have everything in hand...hoho...
wish me luck...
opss!!!....i need to put down in the list...BABY CARSEAT!!!!!...
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Can't wait to see his face when he know i just bought him a nice Canon 300D digital SLR...his dream gadget!...Happy 27th besday darling... i love u so much...Thanks for being the best hubby for me and a lovely abah to our children....May Allah Bless you With Jannatul firdaus and Forgive your reckoning in hereafter...Amin...
ps: You are the best husband for me in this world..and O Allah...let him be my husband in Jannah..Amin...
ps: You are the best husband for me in this world..and O Allah...let him be my husband in Jannah..Amin...
Monday, 6 October 2008
My heart ...My soul...
i love you...Thank You Allah for this give...11 years and insyaAllah....still counting...
Saturday, 4 October 2008
i'm me..
i'm just not perfect...i'm a human...don't expect too much from me...i'm just not perfect..i'm a human.....heart please don't cry....coz no one knows ( and till now it's still crying)...
Friday, 3 October 2008
My breakfast this morning...
Tom yam fried rice with black pitted olive n tomato...with warm english tea...sedap.....yg paling sedap...the olive...pergh... i just love olive...wonder how my baby will look like coz this pregnancy i just love olive...and olive and olive...hehehe...just wait n see...hehehehe
just over one month to go....can't wait....InsyaAllah..pray for me...hopefully everything goes well...Amin...
Monday, 29 September 2008
it's all online!
i'm currently very busy buying all the small bids for the coming baby...Alhamdullillah ( All praise to Allah)...we got this online shopping thing...i just can't afford to go out shopping for baby stuff anymore...to cold and to tired...it not long now.....just feel like the baby is ready to pop out anytime soon...
that's it...need to make myself ready for the new member of the family ( insyaAllah)...mentally and physically... it's a winter baby...so..need all this extra thing to make sure the baby will stay warm and comfortable...hopefully..everything goes well..insyaAllah.....need to go now..i'm currently bidding something on Ebay....wish me luck...
''Oh Allah..My lord...Please make my task in this world and hereafter easy for me...and never deprive your guidence and mercy on me and my family..Amin''
that's it...need to make myself ready for the new member of the family ( insyaAllah)...mentally and physically... it's a winter baby...so..need all this extra thing to make sure the baby will stay warm and comfortable...hopefully..everything goes well..insyaAllah.....need to go now..i'm currently bidding something on Ebay....wish me luck...
''Oh Allah..My lord...Please make my task in this world and hereafter easy for me...and never deprive your guidence and mercy on me and my family..Amin''
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Today...i'm just too tired to write....i'm so tired from the sleepless night...from all the housework....i just feel like going to sleep...not a short nap...but a deep long 5 hours sleep...argh....i feel everything is heavy..dispite that i'm heavy because i'm a mummy with 31 weeks old baby in my tummy...hehehe...but today..it seems that...i'm carrying a quardriplet...huhuhu...
need to stop writing now...my finger are just too HEAVY....
Abang..i miss you...boleh balik awal urut mama tak?...''wink''
need to stop writing now...my finger are just too HEAVY....
Abang..i miss you...boleh balik awal urut mama tak?...''wink''
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Autumn is here.....
it's getting colder outside....yeah...Autumn is here...that's it.....no more ''surprise'' visit to my next door neighbour...and the season of ''depression'' for a foreign mum like me will begin....huaaaaa....
this time of the year...i'm sure...event the local people don't really fancy it.....as for me...having a 2 year old boy that keep asking me about going out will definitly make it worst!!..and surely this time of the year...i will miss my warm country...all those Air kacang , Cendol stall..argh...goreng pisang...keep thinking mum...it will definitely make you ''happy''...huhuhu...
For those who never been to a warm counrty..with no winter and frost bite....you should take a the opportunity to spent few hundreds pound...and go the this special place....where you can feel the pleasure of being ''steam alive in your own home/hotel''....no need this fancy sauna thing..hehehe...and take the pleasure to cool down you boiling blood with an ice cool water..pergh...nikmat( what a pleasure)...
that's it...need to stop now...thinking about this warm thing..make me feel more cold here....need to have some warm tea now...and my 31th weeks old baby in the tummy keep asking to be feed....i'm hungry......
till then...see you all later...daaaaaa
this time of the year...i'm sure...event the local people don't really fancy it.....as for me...having a 2 year old boy that keep asking me about going out will definitly make it worst!!..and surely this time of the year...i will miss my warm country...all those Air kacang , Cendol stall..argh...goreng pisang...keep thinking mum...it will definitely make you ''happy''...huhuhu...
For those who never been to a warm counrty..with no winter and frost bite....you should take a the opportunity to spent few hundreds pound...and go the this special place....where you can feel the pleasure of being ''steam alive in your own home/hotel''....no need this fancy sauna thing..hehehe...and take the pleasure to cool down you boiling blood with an ice cool water..pergh...nikmat( what a pleasure)...
that's it...need to stop now...thinking about this warm thing..make me feel more cold here....need to have some warm tea now...and my 31th weeks old baby in the tummy keep asking to be feed....i'm hungry......
till then...see you all later...daaaaaa
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
my heart is singing!
''Berlalu lah sudah ramadhan...sebulan berpuasa''...yeap..Eid is coming...no matter how far u are from your hometown...trust me...you can still smell the lemang n rendang ( malaysian special delicacies)...huaaaa....i miss my mom..my brother..my dad...my in laws....make it short mum....my whole family in Malaysia!!!
''my heart still singing''.....lagu raya....baju raya....biskut raya!!
''my heart still singing''.....lagu raya....baju raya....biskut raya!!
What to cook?
One out of thousand things that i need to think everyday is..ERM...WHAT TO COOK TODAY?..yeah...and today...i still have to think about it (wonder when will it come to end)...huhu...
Any ideas?.....argh..i wish i can just buy all this ''lauk tunjuk''(Express) in pasar Ramadhan( Special Ramadhan stall in my country)...UNFORTUNATELY.. i'm in a place where Pasar Ramadhan will never exist...u can dream about it..but this dream will surely make Cinderella be a Maid for the rest of her life...hahaha....so as the end result...MUM..YOU HAVE TO COOK.....
i think i will cook a simple dish today...Ayam Masak lemak cili api( Chicken in spicy coconut milk), sotong goreng kunyit( Fried tumeric squid), Terung goreng berlada( Fried Eggplant with chilis)...and as for dessert....Haris fav...Red wobbly Jelly...Simple is it?...yeah..just wait n see..there is still possibility that the menu will have Sudden change to..Sardin goreng ( Canned Sardine)...hahaha...
i'll post the recipes later....when it's Really ready...so...till now...need to do some washing....while my beloved prince is still sleeping...hehehe...
see you all later..daaaa....
Any ideas?.....argh..i wish i can just buy all this ''lauk tunjuk''(Express) in pasar Ramadhan( Special Ramadhan stall in my country)...UNFORTUNATELY.. i'm in a place where Pasar Ramadhan will never exist...u can dream about it..but this dream will surely make Cinderella be a Maid for the rest of her life...hahaha....so as the end result...MUM..YOU HAVE TO COOK.....
i think i will cook a simple dish today...Ayam Masak lemak cili api( Chicken in spicy coconut milk), sotong goreng kunyit( Fried tumeric squid), Terung goreng berlada( Fried Eggplant with chilis)...and as for dessert....Haris fav...Red wobbly Jelly...Simple is it?...yeah..just wait n see..there is still possibility that the menu will have Sudden change to..Sardin goreng ( Canned Sardine)...hahaha...
i'll post the recipes later....when it's Really ready...so...till now...need to do some washing....while my beloved prince is still sleeping...hehehe...
see you all later..daaaa....
Monday, 22 September 2008
Hah..finally i got a ''special '' place for me to put away all this wanted n unwanted thought of mine...hahaha...trust me..when u are a SHAM( stay at home mum)...there will be millions..nope...billions of things in your head...yap..this is from my experience...
people might think..Argh...it's easy being at home 24/7....nothing to worry..no work...don't have to deal with other people...hahaha...yeah..u can say that when u don't have to deal wit ''want-to-know-everything'' 2-year-old son, a non-stop house work( cooking, cleaning...u name it), groceries shopping ( not the enjoying window shopping) and it's all done FREE OF CHARGE....yap...free of charge...and you have to do it...24/7 for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...luckily...i love working without payment..and ...i love the none-stop part...so...I'M HAPPY WITH MY LIFE...toi toi toi ( jumping with excitement)...
so...this bolg will be the place for me to share with other about ME...MY LIFE....and all the ''little'' things that is happening with the ''world' around me..
hope you will enjoy it..as i enjoying writing it down....now...need to continue my ''none stop work'' as it is piling up because i've stop for few minutes to write this intro...hehehe...
see u later..daaaaaa....
people might think..Argh...it's easy being at home 24/7....nothing to worry..no work...don't have to deal with other people...hahaha...yeah..u can say that when u don't have to deal wit ''want-to-know-everything'' 2-year-old son, a non-stop house work( cooking, cleaning...u name it), groceries shopping ( not the enjoying window shopping) and it's all done FREE OF CHARGE....yap...free of charge...and you have to do it...24/7 for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...luckily...i love working without payment..and ...i love the none-stop part...so...I'M HAPPY WITH MY LIFE...toi toi toi ( jumping with excitement)...
so...this bolg will be the place for me to share with other about ME...MY LIFE....and all the ''little'' things that is happening with the ''world' around me..
hope you will enjoy it..as i enjoying writing it down....now...need to continue my ''none stop work'' as it is piling up because i've stop for few minutes to write this intro...hehehe...
see u later..daaaaaa....
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