Monday, 22 September 2008


Hah..finally i got a ''special '' place for me to put away all this wanted n unwanted thought of me..when u are a SHAM( stay at home mum)...there will be millions..nope...billions of things in your head...yap..this is from my experience...

people might's easy being at home 24/7....nothing to work...don't have to deal with other people...hahaha...yeah..u can say that when u don't have to deal wit ''want-to-know-everything'' 2-year-old son, a non-stop house work( cooking, cleaning...u name it), groceries shopping ( not the enjoying window shopping) and it's all done FREE OF of charge...and you have to do it...24/7 for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...luckily...i love working without payment..and ...i love the none-stop'M HAPPY WITH MY LIFE...toi toi toi ( jumping with excitement)...

so...this bolg will be the place for me to share with other about ME...MY LIFE....and all the ''little'' things that is happening with the ''world' around me..

hope you will enjoy i enjoying writing it to continue my ''none stop work'' as it is piling up because i've stop for few minutes to write this intro...hehehe...

see u later..daaaaaa....

1 comment:

Blog Diva said...

finally i found the same housewife's-thoughts from u..betol2..i totally agreed with u ct..keje memang 24/ aku nih jenis ikut mood..(most of the times mmg mls la) time aku mls, biar je la eyesore sikit..but i'll make sure mkn pakai hubby tuh fulfilled la..yg lain tuh mcm cloth folding etc boley K.I.V sampai thp terpaksa baru buat..hehe...