yap...finally she is's a very long and complicated journey for both of us....but finally she is here with our family...
Summary of the Journey..
She was born 1/12/2008..11.09 am UK time..birth weight 3.760kg....10 hours labour..normal delivery..Alhamdullillah
Having Persistent Pulmonary hypertension on newborn....admitted to NICU for 4 recovery...with no complication....screening test done...everything is normal as a normal baby...Alhamdullillah...
Now At home...on breast feeding...on constantly on demand..Alhamdullillah...
As for is a traumatic delivery...but Alhamdullilah...Having the best husband in the world...his support..his smile...his word of comfort...his sacrifices...Only Allah knows how it meant to me....Alhamdullillah.... things is sattle down...My feeling is blosom with all the motherhood feeling..having a cute little baby to take care of...having cheeky little toddler to play with.....make my life so meaningfull....and having the most caring father to my childrens...Alhamdullillah...that's the best word to say...Thanks to Allah...for the Nikmat that He has bless upon me and my family....
this is my Princess...Aisyah Sumayyah binti Fauzan khairi...Alhamdullillah....
congratulations...and celebrations... hehe.. so cute! busy balik la life ko pasnih ct...apa pun syukur sumer pun da sihat..hoho 3.76kg!??!!no wonder la mommy dia so chubby haha...
wei ct, laki ko org mana??
ya allah comelnye..tembumnye..geramnye.. nk cubit2 pipi yo...cium aisyah untuk ummi ita yek...
teh:thanks.. hahaha....tapi tak sangka lah 3.760kg...perut aku kecik..midwife tanye...where did u put the baby...hahaha..hubby aku org kl..dulu mrsm jasin...cinta2 mrsm ni..hahaha
ita:thanks...mama dah cium aiyah untuk ummi ita...
Salam ct..tumbang gembira..tak sabar nak cubit2 pipi aisyah!
hah..mana siti letak baby tu...tak pa dah lepas...legalah..
take care.ok
congratulations ct n apau!! geram ar tgk pipi aisyah sumaiyah!! sgt2 comel...kagumnye with 3.76kg..hehe..mine baru 2.96kg..tu pun dh nangis2!!wakaka..anyway, hug n kisses to the princess..hope to see more pic of u n bb ya! ;)
Salam Ct!
Masya Allah..comel n gebunya aisyah sumayyah..phibur hati mama n abah ni ye...kening dia pun cantikla!:D Alhamdulillah, syukur semuanya dh kembali spt biasa...slmt bpantang ct!! lps ni my turn plak! takutla plakk..hehe..doakan ye!=)
so tembam tembun laa this girl...congratulations my twin! aisyah is sooo adorable...
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