Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Evil Eye..

i don't know about this evil eye until i learn it here..yap...in UK...
i was toold that this evil eye...is one out of 2 things that can change your nasib...one is Doa..and one is evil eye..

i'm sure people in our culture have heard about...this petua...if u see budak montel2...jgn say montel nye..nanti budak tu kurus...yap that's evil eye...

actually people was saying it out of jealousy sama ada sedar atau tak sedar...erm..it can be a doa that will make the person who being evil eye to suffer...especially small children....and it can happen to anybody..

So Rasullullah also did warned us about this...and if u read surah L Falaq n An Nas translation...you will fine this evil eye montion in it....

So the thing that we can to to prevent our family from this is:

  • Try to keep all the good thing about our family to someone close and u can trust will not have the jealouse toward us...contoh..if anak kite pandai ke...kite bahagia ke...
  • Read Surah Al ikhlas, Al Falaq and Annas all 3 times and blow to our child, ourself n hubby b4 sleep and in the morning..
  • Read this doa: I seek of the perfect Words of Allah from the evil of every shaytan and poisonous reptile and from the evil of every piercing evil-eye...nanti i will post the arabic version..read this 3 time morning and evening..
  • and untuk elakkan kite dari memberi evil eye pada org lain secara tidak sedar...setiap kali kite memuji org...kiter kena cakap MasyaAllah....
so...May Allah help to protect our family from this evil eye..and bagi siapa2 yg suka rasa jealous dekat org lain tu....banyak2 kan lah istifar...sebab setiap yg kita buat tu akan di hitung dan cuba bayangkan if the same thing happen to you...ingat Allah Maha Adil!!...

Panjang tazkirah hari ni..hehehe..harap dapat membantu..Amin

see u all later...bye....


soulsearcher said...

hmm..never encounter this evil eye thing.tp tazkirah yg sgt berguna. kekadang sya amalkan..tp most of the time tak seday pon yg kita dh memberi evil eye kpd org lain.huhu..

mama ct said...

aah...ct masa kat msia...memang tak tahu pun pasal evil eye ni...but bagus lah kalau kite amal kan...semoga Allah lindungi keluarga kite dari evil eye ni..Amin

Sofinee Harun said...

maaf. Tapi dalam quran ada menyatakan bahawa tidak ada apa yang boleh merubah qada dan qadar kecuali do'a. Bukan evil eye. Ini ayat quran yang memang sahih.

Evil eye ni may be lebih kepada amalan orang tua atau sesuatu kaum. Berhati hati dalam memilih dan menyampaikan tentang ilmu agama.

Benda 2 yang baik tak salah si syiarkan ajar menjadi pedoman orang lain. Tapi benda2 yang jahat sahaja yang tak boleh di syiarkan. Tentang rasa cemburu orang , ini ah masaalah sebenarnya. Sekiranya si pencerita berhati bersih dan si pendengar berhati bersih, sifat mencemburuidan maybe so call eveil eye tak akan berlaku. Kerna itu hati,niat dan intention yang harus kita sama sama lihat dan muhasabah.

Ilmu agama itu luas. Dan di zaman fitnah, banyak perkara2 yang meyeleweng dan terkeluar dari syariat dan akidah tanpa kita menyedari. Just to share my thought ..ok. You know that I know you as like my own sister. Take care.

mama ct said...

thanks kak sofinee...thanks for the corrections..but as fas as i understand...this evil eye ni.actually a doa...just a bad one...so...that's way it still can make the things to happen...

among the hadith yg ct jumpa regarding this evil eye: from Malik's Muwatta ada 18 hadith...just post 2..''wink''

Yahya related to me from Malik that Muhammad ibn Abi Umama ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf heard his father say, "My father, Sahl ibn Hunayf did a ghusl at al-Kharrar. He removed the jubbah he had on while Amir ibn Rabia was watching, and Sahl was a man with beautiful white skin. Amir said to him, 'I have never seen anything like what I have seen today, not even the skin of a virgin.' Sahl fell ill on the spot, and his condition grew worse. Somebody went to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and told him that Sahl was ill, and could not go with him. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to him, and Sahl told him what had happened with Amir. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why does one of you kill his brother? Why did you not say, "May Allah bless you?" (ta baraka-llah) The evil eye is true. Do wudu from it.' Amir did wudu from it and Sahl went with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and there was nothing wrong with him."

Yahya related to me from Malik that Humayd ibn Qays al-Makki said, "A man came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the two sons of Jafar ibn Abi Talib. He said to their nursemaid, 'Why do I see them so thin?' Their nursemaid said, 'Messenger of Allah, the evil eye goes quickly to them. Nothing stops us from asking someone to make incantations (using ayats of Qur'an) for them, except that we do not know what of that would agree with you.' The Messenger of ,Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Make incantations for them. Had anything been able to precede the decree, the evil eye would precede it.' "

Only Allah knows...We pray that Allah will have mercy n forgiveness on us and guide all of us the the right path...Amin...Ya Allah... Amin..

Sofinee Harun said...

Kalau seseorang tu bercakap yang baik, contohnya gebunya budak ni..maka kalau itu adalah doa takkan nak jadi kurus pulak.

Kak sofinee ni tak berani nak explain2 bab bab hadith ni sebab illmu cetek. Cuma yang ada sikit ilmu masa start keluar jemaah since umur 12 tahun. Jumpa pelbagai orang dari segenap pelusuk dunia.

Kalau nak explain lanjut pengertian hadith dengan quran memang tak beranilah. Sebab takut orang tersalah faham nanti banyak pulak dosa nak tanggung.

Anyway, the simple ilmu adalah macamana nak jaga iman kita dan tambahkan amal. Bila banyak sangat ilmu hadith dan quran, bila tka dapat amal nanti bertambah dosa. PAda akak yang daif ni may be takut sikit nak timba ilmu tinggi 2 takut nanti tak dapat amal, bertambah pulak dosa dari nak jaga amal. Maklumlah bila anak dah ramai, kerja dah banyak, nak jaga sembahyang, quran pun terkontang kanting. Quran ni kata imam syafie, haknya dalah untuk kita mengkhatam sekurang2 nya dua kali setahun. Tu pun susah nak jaga...Nak istiqamah zikir yang sedikit pun susah. Kalau nak belajar ilmu yang tinggi2 ..entah macamana pulak nak jaga...

May be ct ada banyak masa..

Akka ni bukan apa..sebab dah banyak jugak dok jumpa dengan yang pusing sana sini. Sevbab ct kan memang tengah darah muda dan semangat tinggi. Dulu bila notis pasal husband sis M, 10 bulan sebelum apa berlaku, akak dah ada rasa dan bercakap dengan abang jamal pasal ni. Tapi tak berkata apa2..bila Kak M minta tolong, masa tu dah keras dah..so..rasa menyesal pulak tak approach dia awal2.. sebab tu la ni bila rasa2 pelik sikit..akak risau jugak.

Elok tengok2 bila kita belajar ilmu agama. Lebih lagi bila kita bersemangat tinggi dan berkehendakkan. Akak cuma dok tengok banyak..Tapi kekadang orang tengah semangat..tak boleh nak reason lagi dah.

Anyway, bila due?