Monday, 12 January 2009

me and my ginger tea...

It's 2 am now...i'm still others is dozzing to sleep...erm..having a nice warm ginger with honey tea and my shortbread cookies...what a pleasure...Alhamdullillah...

Wondering what to do in the middle of the night...actually this early winter morning..i just pick up my laptop and start to write my blog...but...what should i write?....

Why is it that make me wide awake at this time?...

Since Aisyah is night routine have change...i become sleepy early at night...end up sleeping at 8...then wake up at 11 to feed her...then sleep again...up again after 2-3 hours....and the cycle continue till i woke up at 6.30..for fajar..and straight to kicthen to do all the housework....

and tonight is still the same...just that...instead of going to sleep again..i decided to stay for 1 hour or so to rest my self...having the time for myself ''away'' from children and housework...this is at least i can do for i'm not working...meaning i'm 24 hours in the house with them...'s good if u can have time for your self..away from the children....we need that...we need the recharge our body..... cup is empty now...i think..i'm going to i need feed Aisyah darling in 2 hours time....



Puan Gee said...

Salam Siti
Rutin tu tak dapat nak dikongsi dgn suami sbb kt bf baby... bila dah bangun bf, lps tu po-po plak...

Mmg btol... kene ambik masa utk diri sendiri...

btw Siti kene tag... nnt dtg ambik homework kat rmg kak gee yer

re : MMg terbalik... tp utk 2nd baby dah takde mslh sgt sbb kita dah ada pglmn anak pertama. Walaupun duk rmh mak, semua kak gee buat sendiri jugak...mcm tukar lampin, mandikan aina, dan uruskan anis... mak sediakan makan dan benda 2 lain jer.

Mimi said...

Siti..Aisyah minum BM or formula?
Last time (during confinement), saya mmg tak cukup tido..Najeeb mmg demand BM very kerap..every 1 1/2 hours...ngantuk..but the good thing 1) Bonding with the newborn bb 2) I learn to be very penyabar 3) Appreciate my mom more.. 4) Slim cepat (time tu la)..
Anyway, now my son dah tido thru the rasa cam selesa dah...

Mrs. Ishamizu said...

waah bestnyer mhirup ginger tea n cookie di kedinginan mlm tmp gangguan! hehehe...aku bygkn very classic gtew...nway, ko kene tag plak! meh jenguk umah aku...:D ada masa buatla, aku phm mst bz, ank dh 2..:D

Fateen SM said... tag utk awa..nnt amik kt blog k..

iu rf said...

perlu ke kite masa utk diri kite sendiri.. leh amalkan tips ni.. aku pun naik pengsan nk melayan 3 kekanak kat umah ni..

kdg2 tensen abis.. umah cam kn taufan.. sib baik da bis pantang.. klu x meroyan kot..huahuahua..

sabola mokcik!
sib baik de abe bntu..

Blog Diva said...

sgt stuju!!!housewife,stay at home mom mcm kita mmg tersgt la perlu masa utk pamper ourself..xlarat ooo mental dok melayan kerenah anak dgn bapaknyer..sometimes we need some space to be alone...

Suzana Abd Manan said...

Salam Siti, Rindu kat Siti dan Haris. Bila agaknya balik ye? Nanti jangan lupa datang rumah akak. Salam buat kawan2.