Monday, 5 January 2009

The ''real'' life begin....

Pergh....ganas aje bunyi tajuk entry ni...but it is actually true for me...why????


yap..after long 4 weeks holiday...jaga mama dalam pantang...pergh...lama kan...?...actually he just take 2 weeks off from uni....but..kebetulan pulak..xmas n new year...kat cni org ambil cuti 2 weeks uni was close for 2 weeks...jadi..total2...jadi lah 4 weeks...

Bahagia terasa!...ewah...yer lah...hari2 hubby pampered me like a princess!...yap...the work..everything he will do it for me...tanpa dia pinta!..Alhamdullillah...and as for me...after 2 weeks post delivery..badan dah bukti kasih sayang aku pada nye!..i just help him in every way that i by this time dah masak2 and kemas that he can do his uni work!..he need's his final step..THE WRITING!..kalau tidak...tak balik kang aku!

And the first day he off to me with the real world....Haris and Aisyah...the cooking...housework....everything!..

So..pagi2 lagi ..before he actually wakes up..aku dah basuh kain..kemas rumah...masak nasi..lauk..belom lagi..defrost ayam dulu!...i keep telling myself...''siti...hari ni abang kerja...baik buat semua kerja masa dia kat rumah..pagi2 ni...nanti dia pergi..boleh layan anak2...''..pergh...semangat waja..tahap GABAN!...

and now...i'm infront of this nice mate laptop....updating my blog....while both of my darlings still sleeping....yap..i'm resting...berbaloi bgn pagi buat kerja..

so..i think...this will be my new routine...buat kerja jgn tangguh2...and make sure..all my housework finish before hubby wakes up!...senang!

ok need to go masak lauk pulak ni...masak aper ye?..need 5 min to think!..



Blog Diva said...

aku dulu masa bersalin kebetulan hubby br lps viva master dia, blom keje lagi sepanjang aku berpantang tuh dia ada la di sisi. memang saat2 camnih kita perlukan hubby kan!moral support tuh yg plg penting!!!huhu, kalu bersalin for the second one nih xleh la cam dulu lagi dah..dia da keje skang..plg2 pun semggu je cuti teman bini beranak..

wanie said...

seronok nye...sebulan hubby cuti jaga berpantang...

Fateen SM said...

sebulan tu dpt full attention dr hubby tersayang..

salam perkenalan juga...

sy add ur link k..

mama ct said...

teh: hehehe.. jag..yap..moral support tu yg penting...alamak..nanti naak no 3 dia tak leha cam ni...tak per3..mak ade..insyaAllah

wanie:..hehehe..itu sgt...Alhamdullillah

fateen:...heheeh...aah..sebulan penuh ngan kasih sayang...ewah...boleh..mesti lah boleh...

Mimi said...

Salam Siti...tak sangka jumpa lagi kita kt blogworld nih kan...saya da x aktif fotopages (malas sbb fp selalu problem bila upload piccas)..
Tahniah dah ada 1 pair..syoknyer..
Baru habis pantang la ye ni? MasyaAllah bb girl comey sangat..geram tgk pipi dia cam apple :D