Monday, 9 January 2012

i feel like

ooh....i feel like starting faris with chicken, meat, broccoli, spinach and proper rice porridge.


faris ni history colic memang power....broccoli is gas producing veggie...kombong??

faris i give something yg berbiji2...dia x minat....nak puree halus mana lah chicken n meat tu? boleh ke mouli den berkerja ni?

should i wait for another month?

nak beli couscous lah...nk try...ini kes tengok baby amzar mkn lah ni...i like..;-)

and i want to put dates in his puree too...good source of iron nih!!! thanks mommy amzar ;-)

1 comment:

Mixed-family in da house.... said...

Hey you are most welcome. x perasan rupanya u yg tnya kt shoutbox. hrhehe. try la couscous dgn pisang dulu. blend together. yummy!