Monday, 16 January 2012

the ship...

our second day activity...

ship museum...

haris learning about ships.. some history..which I told the real story... bukan macam normal school...cerita pasal mat salleh melayu,no,no...

then ajar naik teksi...coz I dont feel like driving...

pastu pelancung minta nk bergambar dgn anak2 mama yg outspoken n sgt sporting nih....keh...

belajar tentang cara nk lintas jalan n hormati penjalan kaki x macam org msia yg tak reti nk berhenti kat zebra crossing.

we enjoy the visit...the kids are enjoying them self...hactic but fun...traveling without abah ni...hehehe

ptg mahu ke pool pulak...mlm nak river cruise n eye of melaka kot..tengok tahap kerajinan..
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