Monday, 30 January 2012


sgt letih....nak berdiri pun x mampu....mata sgt berat.....sendi2 semua sengal2.....hasilnya hari ini...

mama x masak

mama buat kelas dgn mood macam aper tah...aisyah n haris kena marah...jadi kelas pun sekejap je....marah2 pun...5 minit aje...pastu peluk2 say sorry....mama say sorry...anak2 pun say sorry...semua peluk2 dgn air mate menyesal...pastu happy balik...mama cuba padamkan rasa letih tu dgn senyuman the kids rasa ok...Alhamdullillah...ok je...

pinggan x basuh...

kain x jemur...

now...tunggu abg beli dinner...

kejap lagi nak tido...

ps: sebut pasal marah...mama dah jumpa satu cara yg mama rasa sgt berkesan nak elakkan marah...nanti mama update dlm next entry...

ntg...i letih..;-(

Sunday, 29 January 2012

faris nukman

apa yg lawak sgt tu faris :-)

ps : itu one and only gambar faris berdiri....sebab asyik x sempat aje...mlm tadi mama tunggu...hahaha...itu pun tabby hang...gile frust...dapat dah hujung2... mesti ambil gambar ni...sebab semua anak ada gambar macam ni. :-)

pss: haris mula berdiri lepas tgn umur 11 bulan.. aisyah pertengahan 8 bulan and faris masuk 8 bulan...masyaAllah.
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haris mask

he draw, color and cut it himself... :-)

its a dinosaur!!!!
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more activity

ive top up my modelling clay supplies and the kids are getting excited with it....

its time to get creative...

aisyah is making ladybugs with extra detail of blue wings and haris is making a turtle :-)

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Saturday, 28 January 2012

the game

yesterday...ive made an physical activity game.....'' find me''

the kids are given clue about where the human skeleton were hidden and try to put it together...

it was sooo much fun....

haris and aisyah enjoyed the game sooo much!!

ps: here are few of haris and aisyah art work...they draw and color it themself... since the school had just started for 2 wall is still empty....but...still...its such a great work from them...well done lots :-)
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im soooooooooooooo stress out now...since faris have had his 4 razor sharp teeth...he just love to bite me....ok...not the boob...but my other body part....shoulder, back, was so painfull...i was screaming like mad everytime those teeth do his special feel sooo scared if he wanted to hug scared if he bit me again...huaaaaaa.....

every bite will make a mark....nice red mark...adoi laaaaaa....

gatal gusi ke???

ps : error in hutan bandar posting...only kids under twelve can mandi...not under two...hehehe...
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hutan bandar jb

its free..its clean and its marvelous!!

you can:

feed the giant cat need to buy the fish food for 2 rinngit.

mandi manda...note...its just for kids under two

nature trail...giler berbukit2...

eat....git lots of nice food stall...

buy some orchid and other flower...

take your time off from the hactic life....memang best...bersih...cantik dan tak sangka lah....bandar got hutan macam ni....haris call jungle. :-)

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Thursday, 26 January 2012


sengeh2 itu hobi saya..:-)

ps: his grown....and very cheeky...
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their first day in new classroom :-)
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Wednesday, 25 January 2012


thinking back...drawing really help me alot during my study years...when I want to understang things..i just draw it...drawing it make me easy to understand.

its help when you can draw very look nice and it make your mind clear about things that you want to understand.

so...ive decided to make an art classes for my kids...a proper class...i teach them,how to draw properly and knows how to use all different type of material available.

it was so amazing to see how the kids respond to my one to one drawing session...they are just marvelous! masyaAllah...

im so happy with what I do...i love drawing and im so please that still can use the skill that I have for my children....

alhamdullillah...masyaAllah :-)
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its been a while since the last update....ive been very busy with house keeping and the kids new school...

those long CNY holiday was indeed a bless...ive finally manage to open another room with double bed...put a new border...and putting back all the un-used stuff in the store room...

the only room that left is the small toy room...still pack with toys and other unwanted-unused house have 2 store room...haih!

i was thinking about changing the hall area curtains...but..due to limitation of ongkos and time to go to tampoi...i just keep the idea submerge deep inside my sub conscious will automatically pop up when the time is ready!

today...insyaAllah..after long 2 weeks of school holiday...the kids will start the class...

the printables is ready....the classroom is nice and clean

the only thing that missing is the kids and me!

ps: today...while waking haris up for fajar...haris actually said this with his eyes close..'' im soo sleepy....i need more sleep...its not enough sleep''... this is because....he was awake at 4.... suddenly came to me..and told me a story...which i dont remember..coz i was sooo sleepy...!...aper kes haris!...Alhamdullillah..he manage to wake up and do his fajar...with a long doa...or...was he asleep while doa?..i dont know...;-)

Sunday, 22 January 2012

the house

new deco...fresh fruit set

new baby...the orchids

the chef...bbq chicken on the way...

new...ops..old toy for faris...vtech activity table.

ps: mode..peace...
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sgt letih...berpeluh mengangkat barang...

bgn pagi..terus ke utm..utk bawak anak nature trail and see the deer...

haris sgt ecxited first time fishing...and he actually got a fish..talaphia...;-)

balik terus call yati kemas rumah

sambung angkat barang pindah classroom

now feeding faris atas katil...

esok sambung lagi...

dan yati pun kena datang lagi...

kesian dia...

ps: best sgt tempat baru classroom budak2...memang best...dah siap baru update ;-)

her new hair do


after a long discussion...

we finally decided to cut her hair...

i love her hair..its it look like mine when i was in school ages ago...

'' mama... i cut my hair....i look like a boy over here'' sambil tunjuk rambut depan dia yg dah pendek...

cute masyaAllah
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Saturday, 21 January 2012


now this is fav activity...painting...

the drawing by me...which i can say it look hidious....ive lost the drawing skill...spm A1 tu...hahaha...

but for haris...he just love my drawing...he prefer me drawing instead of printables from the net...

as requested...

jungle animal...
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new taste

today ive made a sweet potato and pumpkin yoghurt....he just love it...

ive mix the pure with the natural yoghurt....

it taste nice...even i like it...:-)

go go yoghurt!!!
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if you wonder how i bath this cheeky boy...this is how....

he refuse to seat on his bath seat....

he want to seat on this stool like org tua

i have to be extremely carefull, make sure there is nothing infront of him that will make him want to lean forwads to get it....if not...deboom...

amazingly...he just sit there patiently waiting until i finish my job...sengeh2....very cute masyaAllah

ps: he's grown....masyaAllah
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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Faris 8 months old

Alhamdullillah...8 months had past...and still counting insyaAllah...

Alhamdullillah...Allah bless me with a very cute, cheeky and healthy baby boy...masyaAllah

whats new...

faris already have 4 teeth...sedap gigit org ni...perut, peha, lengan, belakang...janji mulut dia sampai...haih!

he is standing without support...standing alone...and early preparation for walking insyaAllah...

He's babbling alot...with a very macho voice...different from other sibling...they all have a very tiny high pitch voice...

he's eating finger food very in the menu...toast strip..he enjoy it!

his weight aroud 8.5kg...tak naik banyak dgn episod2 sakit yg sgt menyedihkan! Alhamdullillah, masyaallah...dah selesai....

he plays with haris n aisyah very well...seronok sgt bila tengok diorang main...walau dia tukang gelak aje...still..very cute!

that's few things which i can remember picture this time...tabby mogok...menci sgt...banyak entry tergantung x boleh post...kena reset lah tu...

ok...happy holidays...

ps: tgh bekerja keras meng-renovate study area anak2...tukar buat kelas kat atas...sebab bilik n living area dah kemas...hehehe...will update about that later...

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

hitam, merah...

Still in hiloday mood...still terbayang katil hotel...still rindu kan bath gaji abg...kena pasang 1 kat umah...giler kentang ko ct!

melaka sgt hot hot....still... wonderful place to visit...macam2 ada...but the driver there...erm...sgt...ganas...laju2...dan main bantai aje...haih!

3 hari...memang kerja mkn, main pool, jalan, tido....sgt heaven...and the kids ar learning alot....


makin ku pandang..semakin golap...hahahah...dah boleh swimming without armband and dive in water very well...berani sgt...masyaAllah...very proud of him...very cofident talking to others and exploring things....masa di hotel..siap lukis pemandangan hotel tu...pastu...jumpa recycling about recycle...Alhamdullillah......learning alot of thing along the way ...3 days of outdoor sooo amazing!!


makin ku pandang...makin choklet dah......dia pun berani swimming...cuma masih on armband....bising macam burung..semua tanye.. macam haris jugak lah pun....mulut mama?


merah dah macam udang....sampai laaa ni pun...ct rasa dia kena mild sunburn...boleh pulak lupa bawak sun cream...haih!
suka berenang...suka main air....cute aje...;-)

another holiday is!!

selang 2 bulan or sebulan...akan ade holiday..dekat or jauh...mesti ada...cara kami nak lebih mesra dgn anak2..;-)

untung bile wife x kerja, bila2 bolh join..laki cuti je...kite jalan...anak pulak home boleh di sgt masyaAllah...

jom ramai2...jdi housewife n homeshooler!

Monday, 16 January 2012

the ship...

our second day activity...

ship museum...

haris learning about ships.. some history..which I told the real story... bukan macam normal school...cerita pasal mat salleh melayu,no,no...

then ajar naik teksi...coz I dont feel like driving...

pastu pelancung minta nk bergambar dgn anak2 mama yg outspoken n sgt sporting nih....keh...

belajar tentang cara nk lintas jalan n hormati penjalan kaki x macam org msia yg tak reti nk berhenti kat zebra crossing.

we enjoy the visit...the kids are enjoying them self...hactic but fun...traveling without abah ni...hehehe

ptg mahu ke pool pulak...mlm nak river cruise n eye of melaka kot..tengok tahap kerajinan..
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the first night

just 4 of us....extremely nice view from our 16 th floor room.

nice dinner of nasi goreng kampung n nasi goreng cina with sup campur.

it just soooo nice...

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we all sedang bercengkerama in renaissance melaka for 3 days....happy holidays!!!
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Saturday, 14 January 2012

the best

wah....very nice smell from the still on my sooo out after sleepless night...headache etc.....

abg cook this for our breakfast.... pitta kebab with roasted capsicum.

thanks darl...

sedap giler!
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