Winter...if you never had any winter experience... you will think that winter is the best time of the year...white powdery snow....warming up infront of a fire place while reading book and drinking tea....aaaaa...what an enjoyment!....
STOP!!!!..not for me...having frost bite...long nite...24hrs of wanting to eat( sejuk2 ni lapo)...all those winter bugs...making me wanting to go home so badly...i miss the hot sunny day...with all those food and longer day time to leisure out with my children...
won't be long now..another 5 more month...dah nak balik...can't wait...
tapi org kata...bila dah balik nanti..rindu pulak nak datang cni...erm...for now...belum rasa nak datang balik...but i will definitely miss the carboot sale!....kat msia tak de carboot every weekends we all went there...kadang2 tak beli aper pun..just to cuci2 mata and ambil angin sejuk...hehehe
not...tengah dalam pantang ni...belom boleh ke carboot..but will start the routine as soon as habis pantang memantang ni...nak kumpul last minute punye barang...hehehe...
ok need to go now...nak makan...darling beli rice n curry with lamb doner...lapo...kan winter ni!...hahaha
wahwahwah..ko pantang ke x nih?! da btahun ko dok sana, sure da beli byk kan carboot sale tuh. brp kontena ko nak sewa nih ct..btw, spupu aku yg penah dok kat bristol penah citer kat aku betapa femes nye carboot sale nih..enjoy while u still can kat sane..bila da blk mesia bila plk nak mkn angin jauh2...
aku...tak pantang pun...tak leh nak pantang teh...tak de org nak jaga...sendir2 aje...aku bantai aje lah...
carboot memang best lah teh...semua benda boleh dapat...walaupun 2nd hand..tapi masih cantik...
tah ler teh...aku betul2 nak balik ni...sakit jiwa lah dok cni...semua limited...mak takde...bila lepas beranak macam ni..nak sgt mak ada...atleast...makan2 dia jaga...hubby aku jaga jugak..tapi dia kan study...penat aku tengok..haris lagi nak jaga...pergh...besar betul dugaan nye tu...aku nak balik lah...huaaaaa!
ct, kalu ada rezeki laki aku nak further phd dia kat oversea..pilihannye xlain xbukan area UK sana la..tapi xtahu lagi bilanyer..kena tggu confirm jwtn dulu..KALU la betul rezeki kitorg merantau ovesi nanti, ko lah mangsa aku nak consult psl anything kat sana.. jgn plk ko nak lari dari soalan2 cepu mas aku sudah!!haha.. itupun kalu dapat la... (mula2 sure excited,pastu bila bersawang kat negara org tuh, baru la gigit bantal homesick!)
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