full time mom with 2 adorable childrens...Haris and Aisyah...
day time...
- feeding Aisyah
- change Aisyah
- play with Haris n Aisyah
night time...
- feeding Aisyah
- change Aisyah
wonder where's the word rest n sleep...yap...there are no such words when u have a baby...but..truely..i really enjoy my sleepless night...coz i know...every time u awake at night to feed your baby..and did not complaint about it...you will get alot of rewards...and for me..4 days when Aisyah in nicu...no baby to hold on...to feed...no baby make u awake at night...really make my heart suffer...and now she is here...i really want to use this chance Allah gave me to the max..and i love it..enjoy it...Alhamdullillah...
p/s...she is sleeping now..and i can't wait for her to wake up...coz i want to hold her close to me...kiss her...feed her with my milk...and watch her sleep again feeling full with my milk...Alhamdulillah...max satisfactions!!...
hey ct..i felt the same way too when adam was admitted in nicu soon after he was born..40ari lak tuh.after brp puluh hari baru the docs bagi aku dukung dia as sblm tuh dia still kena 'kuarantine' dlm incubator.I know how suffer it was to only watch your child from 'far' without touching..i cried too!bila doc bagi aku keluarkan dia dr incubator tuh, rasa mcm xpercaya that i'm holding my own son!!it's a touching moment i'll remember..it's good to hear that she's doing well now.suka la dgr ko happy jd bz mom nih..me, kdg2 rasa nak menjerit ketensenan jgk melayan kerenah dia..hihi..
hahahaha....ada jugak aku masa nak menjerit tu...tapi aku cool kan diri...hehehe...anak aku ni...satu aje...bila aku nak marah...cepat2 dia pujuk...mama...mama marah ke...abah..mama angry lah...mama jgn lah marah..buat muka sedih...kebil2 mata...adoi..terus tak jadi nak marah...bahaya betul...
tapi teh...aku memang happy lah jadi fulltime mommy ni...puas sgt...and kita ngan anak kite jadi rapat sgt...best kan teh....hehehe
best memang best..tapi anak aku tuh selalu buat hal dia sendiri..kalu aku panggil pun dia buat xtahu jer.. tapi kalu aku tggl nak masuk toilet tu mula la dia bising..jual mhl kunun!anak aku tuh mudah sgt2 dgn strangers..xkisah dgn sape2.kdg2 aku terfikir jgk adam nih xsyg kat aku ke..hahaha..
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