personal views...just my humble personal views about my family...
Sunday, 16 November 2008
And it's open!
Finally..the moses basket is open..the house is practically ready for it's new's clean and tidy..aaaaaaa...lega lah....the only thing to do is wait...
Pray for me..Oh Allah...Make my task easy in this world and the hereafter..Amin...
wow...seems like this one hot mama is ready to launch her second baby!!! i'm happy for u ct..hope everything goes well for both baby n u.ko byk jalan kaki x these last days??exercise byk2..
ummi n teh: Thanks semua...InsyaAllah...minta di permudah kan...jalan kaki? aku yg ni dah mula compress nerve aku masa dia 8 bulan aku tak berapa boleh jalan..sakit yg teramat sgt...sampai menangis lah jawab nye...tapi aku gagah kan jua...i need the fresh air man!...tapi after balik berjalan..selalu nye dah sakit n terus lembik aje...lately..asyik muntah2 la...huhuhu
Insya Allah..banyak doa..
wow...seems like this one hot mama is ready to launch her second baby!!! i'm happy for u ct..hope everything goes well for both baby n u.ko byk jalan kaki x these last days??exercise byk2..
ummi n teh: Thanks semua...InsyaAllah...minta di permudah kan...jalan kaki? aku yg ni dah mula compress nerve aku masa dia 8 bulan aku tak berapa boleh jalan..sakit yg teramat sgt...sampai menangis lah jawab nye...tapi aku gagah kan jua...i need the fresh air man!...tapi after balik berjalan..selalu nye dah sakit n terus lembik aje...lately..asyik muntah2 la...huhuhu
Allah bagi ujian kat ko skang sbb Dia nak bagi pahala besar kat ko pasni..
teh: thanks 4 the reminder teh...insyaAllah...doa kan aku ye..
Salam ct!
Dah bsalin ke blum?;)
Smg dipermudahkn-Nya..Amin!
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