Tuesday, 22 May 2012

aisyah and haris math

aisyah...Alhamdullillah..im soooo happy...she actually understand master the simple math concept!... how do I know?

from the activity above... she already color 1 turtle... the instruction given asked her to color 3.. then she ask me to help her with the coloring...i ask her...how many more should I color...and she said 2 without counting!... I did not expect her to answer correctly...but she did...and same goes to the dog and fish...she can answer it with confidence!... masyaAllah...im soooo happy! eh...baru pandai ke?.. hahaha she can do addition n substruction up to ten...but counting...bukan congak...hehehe...today congak...masyaAllah!

and as for haris...he know how to do graph and make a data collection from the graph and do summary of information from it...well done kiddos...masyaAllah...im so happy...thank you Allah.

ps: today is going to be the ten juzuk amma abg haris already remember...Alhamdullillah...masyaAllah.
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1 comment:

Cik Sara said...

wahh... lama tak drop dekat sini..
Kak Siti, once i got babies i want to learn from you the homescholing methods..heee...

Boths kids are awesome.. masyaALLAH..

and not to forget, the litle one! eheh..