im a type of person that only cook simple things with a simple cooking method....janji sedap....
I dont have lesung batu at home.. I only used blander....cepat n mudah!
for this recipe u will need.
chicken...cut...wash... around 4,5 ketul
1/4 large onion thinly slice
1 tsp tumeric powder
1 lemon grass
3 bird chili crush or cut to half
1 tomato
1/2 tsp asam jawa extra adabi or asam keping
santan 1/4 kotak
cara2 nya....
in a pot..combine the chicken, lemon grass, onion and cover the chicken with water. put on the fire and cook it untill the chicken is tender.
when the water is reduce to half...so the chicken is really soft...put in the asam jawa or asam keping, cili, tumeric powder, santan, salt. stir well...
just before u turn off the fire...pop in the tomato and remove the asam keping if u used it...if not...it will continue to make the curry sour and makin2 masam....hehehe
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