Wednesday, 19 October 2011

the journey begins...again!

I'm starting to make more flash cards for faris...i've seen a result with visual learning i used for aisyah...she is 2 yrs 10 months..and she is i think..this way of learning is easier and works better...

why don't i use the phonics method?

ok...phonics is for those children who can understand better..aka older when i used it for haris...i started the teaching method when he is 3 yrs and 3 aisyah is learning more phonics as she is older and can understand better and she is trying to read longer words...masyaAllah...i'm so proud of both of u... >__<

aisyah...i started to teach her since she was 1 yr 6 months old...she is learning tru videos and flash was soo much easier...and no proper class, books and tension free...even tho it's taking longer time...but, it's truly an effortless teaching i still can do my house works and she is still learning....

oh..i still difficult to make the first move( the first 3 weeks) with haris...the cry, the tension...oh dear it's all over..and i'm enjoying the sweetness of our hard works!...masyaAllah...Abg haris....we did it!...

so...i'm starting to give faris a 'go' since faris is 3 months old...he's watching videos and reading flash cards from my tabby, and lappy...including the one that i've my self...i just can't wait to see the result....oh...from all this hard works...the time and attention that i've spend all day....erm....i just know it will works...the only thing that i need is istiqomah...and passion! masyaAllah.

it will take at least 6 months.....ok...the next update for my dear faris is will be in april...

ps : Oh Allah...please make it easy on me and the kids...

pss: why are u so eager to teach ur child to read early ct? reading is the key to all the door to the world...even the first revelation to our prophet is to read...i think im doing something good here...insyaAllah...

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