Monday, 23 February 2009

The reason...

this post is the answer to my dear friend Teh...

At first..i just want to answer in comment box..but i think i just make an entry for this one..

i have a very strong reason for not giving my babies vaccination.....
  1. I strongly believe...Everything is in Allah hand...if Allah say YES...even with tones of vaccine u will get it and vice versa...if He say will be safe from it insyaAllah even without vaccine...not the vaccine who protect's Your Creator...Allah..and if we get the problem...Allah knows best what is the best for us....
  2. Vaccine from not 100% still can get the disease...
  3. All vaccine have a side effect...long term...nerve problem..diabetes...Autism...leukimia...arghhhh u name it...instead of ''protecting u'' it will kill you slowly...want to know more..go to ARNICA website
  4. From research they said that..all this community disease have improve not becoz of is becoz of our social hygiene have la...sekarang org ada air bersih..ada toilet..sistem buang sampah yg baik...rumah tak over penyakit2 community ni dah kurang...but since the vaccine is introduce..all this uncommon disease like nerve dis and developmental dis like Autism, ADHD is increasing..up to 300 fold..takut tak?
  5. About the Haram thing...i did ask my friend who also did not give vaccine to her children...she decided no to give after she ask opinion from a Alim here...u know's not darurat to have vaccine...u not gonna surely die from not taking this vaccine kan?..and there are alot of people yg selamat hidup tak amik vaccine...and surprisingly...there are people actually die and have a permanent brain damage from taking we choose to put haram thing in our body dat can be dangerous to us....i don't think we can actually..
so this is my opinion...i hope it will help...but it's your one force anyone to go into this...hehehe....

it's good if all of u can dig more about this in the net...there are alot of researcher that have papers on this..and alot of people with knowledge about this thing....

i'm jut human...any mistake please forgive me..Allah knows best...


Sofinee Harun said...


akak sofinee tak pernah dapat tiga serangkai. Nor all my brothers and sisters sebab mak malas nak pi klinik. I did have BCG masa darjah 6. Pun tak pernah had rubella. Alhamdulillah..I feel just fine at the moment..!

mama ct said...

yap..that is very good...itu lah...Alhamdullilah...actually no need the vaccination la kan...ini semua company ubat dpt duit bilion2 ni...huhuhu...

Blog Diva said...

i see... u gave me another side of view. thanks.. unfortunately adam da complete semua immunisation.. hihi dulu xtahu.. aku nak cakap kat hubby la..

btw, mat saleh kat saner pon boikot vaccine jugak ke??

mama ct said...

teh: yap...ARNICA ni group UK yg boikot vaccination...heheheh..actually ramai yg tak amik vaccine kat cni...

iu rf said...

vaccine ni bile kena aku tak amik lagi..

sekali terbaca entry yg ko tulis ni...ragu2 lak aku..nk kasik vaccine kat bb...hohoho

R I N I . R A N I said...

hi ct. which vaccine u refer to? MMR ker? Actually, masa nak bg MMR pd Batrisyia dulu, me myself quite uncertain about it. Sbb dgr citer, it can cause autisme. So, what i did, i asked my baby's pediatric. He said, it was juz a rumour. Until now, there's no medical proof telling MMR can cause autisme. He added, people relate MMR with autisme sbbnya, kebetulan masa lepas amik MMR then anak dorang kena autisme. Actually, bila dilihat balik, 1st MMR diambil masa umur 1year kot(not sure the exact age, malas nak check kat kad Batrisyia, hehe). And, the interesting point here, autisme hanya dapat dikesan masa baby umour 1year & above. Younger age than that, mmg x dapat kesan the symptoms, such as cannot focus, cannot do the eyes contact etc. And as for other vaccines, i'm not sure kalo bole sbbkan penyakit. Wallahualam...

Juz sharing my 2 cents. Anyway, i respect other parents' view on this issue. Of course they want the best for their children rite..