Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Izu's lil Angel!

Finally....My dear friend Izu( From coventry to malaysia) had delivered a very beautiful baby girl.....she is ..i mean really is an adorable baby..MasyaAllah...wah..i can't wait lah tu go back to malaysia....singgah melaka...and give this Darling a big kiss...

Izu and family..congrats..may Allah have His Mercy and Blessing to you n your family

Izu...Welcome to the club....''Mommy of 2''


Suzana Abd Manan said...

Tahniah, buat Izu and family, bila lah korang nak join club "mommy of five" yek...hehe

AHAR said...

wah2, bestnye dah masuk club of 2. Comel betul beby izu, macam muka zahin jugak. Nway ni blogspot baru aku.

Mrs. Ishamizu said...

Tq Ct, aku br smpt sgah blog kwn2 ni..K.zana tq..nti izu link kn semula blog akk yer..aritu tukar blog layout hbs ilang sume link2 blog kwn2..;)Tq rin..cptla masuk club of 2!! hehehe..

iu rf said...

ct..bile nk join club aku lak.. club of 3.. leni aku takde geng.. laju sangat ke..hohoho..;p