Saturday, 8 November 2008

the waiting...

Alhamdullillah...i'm 37 weeks ++ now...and it seems that the time fly so slow..hohoho...bila nak bersalin ni...last time haris, he was born at 38++ ...and they say that the second one usually faster...oh please make it true....rasa macam perut ni dah tight sgt...when the baby move..mak ai...sakit!!!....

as for my's more the when i had tummy....bigger the the last one...and when this add up...mama look more bulat...gemuk..chomel...montel then last the last one!....hua...boleh turun ke ni?..

i just remember..last time when i had haris...i was in malaysia...i bought this nice motherclub maternity me so nicely that time...hehehe...even just before delivery..masih cun n bergaya''wink''....and guess what..this time..i can't even wear it when i'm 34 weeks...aper nih?...tension2...nasib baik...ada banyak stock maternity cloth kat UK ni...still boleh bergaya utk mama yag bulat ni...hahahaha...

but the best part it...when i ask my darling Mr FKCH...''Abang..mama nampak gemuk ke?...and with the sweetest smile he reply...ada lah sikit..tapi mama tak nampak gemuk lah....ok aje''....hehehe...and actually...other people also say that i'm not that fat...the midwife here also say like that...and the like to say..oh...what a nice little bump there...nice to feel...yer ke nak tenang kan aku aje...huhuhu...

what ever it is...i still feel and look bigger then haris last time...and i like to eat more then haris...erm...anything will do now...mesti mkn...argh...biar betul...darling selalu cakap...tak pe lah mama..makan lapar tu...oh my darling...i don't think it's the baby...i think it just me!!!..noooooooo...

ok..need to stop's almost 8 am..and i'm damn hungry...nak makan lah....

see u all later..daaaa.....


Blog Diva said...

wei...ok aper 'bulat'..aku dulu masa pregnantkan adam xnampak pregnant pon..org2 kat wad sumer heran apa aku buat dlm wad org mengandung tu. sampai ada yg tanya aku, aku dari wad lain ke saje2 jln2 melawat kwn..hahaha...(tp memang sedey tau, rasa mcm xbermaruah je pregnant tp perut xnampak pon)

org lain pregnen seronok je shopping maternity dress..aku sekadar tgk2 je la..nak beli pon xde guna jgk..jiran aku dulu xtahu2 pon aku pregnant sampai la aku g jumpa dia nak ucap slmt tggl sbb aku nak pindah blk kb.masa tu 8bln da preggy..ko bygkan la..8bln org xperasan aku peknen..bila tgk perut org lain memang jeles la aku..

aku dulu gain almost xtau kat mana yg naiknyer...adam 1.25kg je masa lahir..aku sendiri org kata xnampak berisi pon..ntah!?

rilek la ct..bulat2 pon, berseri org kata ms pregnan ni..adat la tu. kang kalau kurus cam aku xnaik2 masa pregnant tu kan susah. baby ada problem lagi.yg penting baby tuh, biar dia cukup nutrition sumer.

kalu laki ko cakap ko bulat pon, lps bersalin nih cuba ko cbr dia sama2 diet..tgk boley turun ke laki ni kdg2 tau komplen body bini jek,xsedar diri sendiri makin dipam-pam!haha...easy dear, it's a normal thing in pregnancies..

mama ct said...

hahaahaha...yap2..setuju!!...ewah...seronok pulak ade org sokong aku gemuk ni...

itu lah...aku rasa macam hubby aku pun sama naik aje ngan aku..hehehe...but last time teh...aku turun cepat 4 post delivery..aku turun 15 kg tu...naik 13 kg aje...haaaa..tak ke best kalau cam gitu...and masa pregnant yg tu..aku bengkak sana sini..air senang turun..
but this one..lngsung tak se bengkak..naik dah dekat 16-17kg dah ni...itu yg rasa macam tak leh turun tu...erm..rungsing2...hehehe

tapi aper2 pun...aku yakin..breast feedinh memang bagus lah kalau nak kurus cepat...kalau tak jadi jugak...aku kopak kan laki aku...aku nak gi gym kat cni..hahaha..womens only man!!!!aper lagi..layan..hahaha

bole tahan jugak ko naik masa adam 15kg...erm...mungkin naik di tempat yg tak namapak kot...contoh...kat ''back bump''..hahaha..

anyway...doakan aku elamat semua nye...berdebar2 seh...