Sunday, 23 September 2012

GMO, Global Alert and sometimes we wonder why?

Why breast cancer number increasing?.. Ya Allah...GMOs maize is use to make breakfast cereal too!...dear kids!..mama will try and cook pasta every morning for our breakfast...pasta made from wheat...not corn or maize! ada gmo wheat?...jap check...ada!....

nasik lemak, bihun mee semua x lalu kan...tapi kena ajar lah...mkn laksam ye anak2...faris suka!

ok...actually...apa2 yg di produce oleh US farmer ni tak semua tapi banyak lah!...yg mass production pastu export all over the world...dah GM... memang kena hidup atas organics food lah....

kesian tikus2 tu...4 bulan kena cancer...kesan after 3 months!...patutlah nowdays...muda2 cancer...esp the ladies!

kalau ikutkan rasa x nak mkn semua...tapi payah kan..unless you live like the armish! tapi kalau benda dah obvious tu boleh cuba kurangkan...

kejap!...GM tu apa?

geneticly modified....selalunya utk tahan lasakkan benda supaya boleh buat mass production...boleh baca cni



sebab nak untung...bunuh org secara senyap n slow2...giler ar manusia tamak!

1 comment:

Mixed-family in da house.... said...

salam ct,

tu lah takut betul ngn GMO / GM food ni....ngeriiii....

kebanyakan org dah sedar bahaya GMO, tapi depa sayang nak keluarkn duit utk organics )tp shopping benda2 lagha takpa pulak)....aiiishhhh