Thursday, 31 May 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
Mind mapping
Negative Statements
Do you realise that the brain cannot process a negative command or statement? If you say to your child "be careful, don't spill your milk" as they carry the glass full of milk across the kitchen the child has to actually think of spilling the milk so that it can take the necessary action not to do it. We tend to get what we focus on and so by the child thinking of spilling milk that is often what tends to happen which normally results in a loud "But I told you not to spill that milk". So the moral of the story is ask for what you want, not what you don't want.
(Source - Just about any good NLP textbook)
it's time to change saying this to myself!...and im sure a lot of us used to do this...elok2 naik kerusi tu...nanti jatuh!...then anak kite jatuh...then kite cakap...itu lah...kan mak dah cakap...
jadi lepas ni...elok2 naik kerusi tu....berhenti di situ ok!...hehehe
kembara lagi...Petrosains KLCC
Saturday, 26 May 2012
perkongsian ilmu

Friday, 25 May 2012
I just make my self not to stay for 2 weeks in perak coz im thinking about how lonely hubby would be without me n the kids...and kesan nya...tiap2 minggu travel!..betulkah pilihan itu!
belum ambil kira letih badan sendiri dan anak2 yg mana suami xkan rasa...sebab..dia tidor mlm sentiasa cukup!
ct sempat lagi nk tukar fikiran...
anda ada 4 jam lagi! without cooking, cleaning, and everything...just pure pleasure!..
camon ct...perlukah selfish di situ?
Thursday, 24 May 2012
the Aquaria Game
We ( mama and abah) had make the spot the animal book..and a suprise present!
They were sooo happy!
ps: kata lawatan sambil belajar!...sgt gigih buat slide then print jadikan sesiapa yg nak buku itu...boleh pm mama...mama boleh email kan FOC!
Aquaria KLCC
The special school trip holiday start on wednesday 16th of May 2012...
We went ot Aquaria KLCC on wednesday...which is one of the best place to go in KL... more details please go to Aquaria KLCC website.
it worth every ringgit...
haris and aisyah is soooo extreamely happy...
the place is clean..and the worker are very friendly...
and the feeding show is awsome! please dont miss the feeding show..espeacially the big tank one!!!
enjoy the picture!
no picture for the tunnel...sebab bateri camera ku kong!
Norma telah pergi
Norma telah kembali ke rahmatullah pagi semalam..
ini cerita Norma
semoga Allah permudahkan urusan Norma di Sana...
ps: sedih bila teringat pada rafiq...;-(
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
aisyah and haris math
from the activity above... she already color 1 turtle... the instruction given asked her to color 3.. then she ask me to help her with the coloring...i ask many more should I color...and she said 2 without counting!... I did not expect her to answer correctly...but she did...and same goes to the dog and fish...she can answer it with confidence!... soooo happy! eh...baru pandai ke?.. hahaha she can do addition n substruction up to ten...but counting...bukan congak...masyaAllah!
and as for haris...he know how to do graph and make a data collection from the graph and do summary of information from it...well done so happy...thank you Allah.
ps: today is going to be the ten juzuk amma abg haris already remember...Alhamdullillah...masyaAllah.
btw... tgh busy buat paperwork homeschool utk MOE.. yeah!... Ya Allah....minta di permudahkan...
update entry
os: tina...we all miss u...huhuhu
putih...hitam ?
tetapi...mama terfikir...
adakah baby yg gelap itu x gebu or nampak x bersih?
mama terasa ralat...
kekadang kita terlalu menilai luaran seseorang manusia hingga kita lupa itu semua ciptaan Allah yg maha esa...seharusnya di lihat dgn hati yg bersih.
biarlah putih gebu pada hati...itu lebih baik...semoga anak2 mama mempunyai hati yg putih bersih...Amin..
dan manusia...jgn lah terlalu superficial dlm apa jua perkara...peringatan utk diri sendiri...
ps: mama, Allah bagi anak macam2 warna... mama faham bila org pertikai warna ni...mama selalu kena...camon lah...bilal bin rabah bukan sahaja gelap, malah pendek dan berambut kerinting yg mana org selalu anggap x hensem...anda tahu kedudukan dia di sisi Allah? sgt jauh dari kita yg berkulit putih gebu ni...fikir2 kan lah. dan sebelum terlupa...isteri beliau..wanita tercantik di yg hensem putih gebu tu...isteri tercantik di malaysia?. jadi...jgn ckp apa2.. senyum itu sedekah...kalau di puji...takut menyebabkan yg di puji riak...nauzubillah...dan kalau di herdik menyebabkan yg di herdik itu sedih.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Happy mothers day mama!
Mama tengah sibuk kemas dapur...masa ni abg and anak2 keluar..abg nak beli gula...kawan abg nak datang main pingpong...
mama solat...makan cepat2...iyer lah..nak kena siap2 org nak datang...
tibe2...haris masuk...
where's aisyah? mama tanye dia...erm...she is still with abah...
mama x syak apa2 pun...
tibe2..aisyah masuk berlariiiiii...
mama...mama...we got a suprise for you...
sekali masuk...itu dia.....
enjoy the pictures..

mood: the best mothers day ever...anak dah tiga....meriah!!!
ps: thanks abg for that huge bunch of rainbow colour flower...giler gojes...i lap you!
dslr ku hidup kembali...
enjoy the pictures
Friday, 11 May 2012
kemana sahaja
see...dramatik kan...itu belum dgr suara...
boleh mwnyebabkan kita panic x tentu arah!