Wednesday, 29 February 2012

the activity

todays activity...the sea
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now..everytime I want to bring haris out...and when I hand him his seluar..he will ask me...

" this seluar long enough to cover my aurat?"

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"haris...why there are haram food?" lil aisyah asked haris when they were having lunch while watching brainy baby that had show some pictures of gummie worms...

" dont worry aisyah...i will go and ask mama ok" was a bit odd actually...because haris usually answer all her sister without fail...and he actually knows why some food are halal and some are haram..

I just waited for him to come feeding faris in the back room...

" mama...aisyah ask me...why there are food thats haram?"

and I just say a few words...and he cont the answers for I expected...he knows why....

I know why he want to see me...if I would ask him why...he will surely say he miss me...and wanted to see me...haris2...he is the soother to my heart...always...masyaAllah....

back to aisyah...i was a bit suprise to hear the my kids have grown...never underestimate what your child ability and never say that kids no nothing...they know thing far ahead from what we tought they know...
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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

finger food

banana in cubes...he love it!!!


ps: beli mangga...masak pulak dah...x dpt buat finger food faris :-(
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the animal saver unit

haris the animal rescue person!!!

he is the happiest boy in the world....when I bring him to buy this outfit....

very cheap...but it meant a lot to him...

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Monday, 27 February 2012


I dont think so!!!!

ps: baik punya landing ye faris...kakak aisyah nye bising " move..move...i cant see my jellyfish!!"
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Sunday, 26 February 2012

lidah pantai timur

I might not know how to speak malay....but one thing for sure...i have lidah kelanganu ( kelantan,terengganu) ...

keropok goreng, lekor, cicah I come!!!!
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menu abg is mama have cooked something nice for his berbuka...simple but nice...

tenggiri goreng
kailan goreng udang
masak kemak cili api ketam

hope he will like it...

ps: selalu malu dgn dia...dia pandai masak...western and pakistani food....but for malay home cook...he still enjoy my cooking...'sedap mama masak...terima kasih sayang...heeee'...itu yg selalu dia ckp...blush*
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faris lunch

tenggiri fish mix with pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, apples and rice...

his first taste of fish...

and he love it masyaAllah

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self feeding?

masak lah mama nk mengemas ni faris...

I let him self feed with his morning cereal....

as you can see....

he love it...

penuh cereal satu muka, telinga....
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haris was sooo keen to try to pick his 10kg lil brother up....and he manage to do so without any help...and he is very please with his lepa...siap adiknya....dukung aje....hish....takut abgnye yg letih...faris cool aje.:-)
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Friday, 24 February 2012


mama tgh tunggu abg lagi ni...tapi di tempat lain....baru melintas seorang perempuan...subhanallah...Allah telah mengurniakan wanita ini kecantikan yg x ramai org ada...

cantik bertudung hitam...berbaju kurung modern....

mama pandang dia.....

tengok punya tengok...

alahai...kain belah pulak...

habis semua org boleh nampak kulit putih tu secara free...

sedih pulak rasa...

eh2..budak ni staff abg ke ek?

tetiba risau pulak...

haih..syaitan go away!!!!
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Thursday, 23 February 2012


ini gambar masa di melaka....baru masuk dlm tabby...mereka semua ni pantang jumpa pool....dari haris sampai ke faris...macam2 gaya ada...
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hari ni mama bagi faris cuba couscous....

sedap...ewah...mama dah rasa..

mama mix couscous tu dgn sweet potato, celery and chicken...

x de gambar....lupa nk ambik

ok juga faris mkn...habis lebih 1/2 jar kaca tu....walaupun biasanya kalau mkn pumpkin tu 1 jar tu memang licin...first time...kire cun dah tu...

mama x blend pun couscous tu...dia boleh mkn dah.. Alhamdullillah...

pastu mama buat fruity yoghurt lagi...kali ni apples, pear and plum yoghurt.....belum suap lagi.....mesti dia suka...pantang sua yoghurt...memang habis 1 pot tu....:-) masyaAllah
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tak de maknenye

ini gaya budak2 dlm kereta dlm parking utm ni....konon2 masing2 nak ngikut abhnye pergi lab....sekali...semua terbungkang tido....last2 mama kena tunggu dlm kereta ni sampai abg habis meeting....nak brive pusing2 utm ni takut sesat...besar utm ni....sudahnya...mama dgr lite n easy dlm keter sambil update blog.. .
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Wednesday, 22 February 2012


haris: aisyah...i dont want to play with you...u are not sharing properly...please...can I have the block too...

aisyah: im sharing....

haris: no u are not....

aisyah: im sharing the water....(mama dah gelak2 kat dapur masa ni)

haris: I dont want the water...i want the block...

aisyah: Im sharing the water...i want the block...

haris: mama.....aisyah not sharing the block...she is sharing the water...but I dont want the water....

mama: share the block...if not mama will tAKE the block..and none of you can play any...

aisyah : ok you are...

ini kes dlm toilet...sambil mandi..main block...ade akal si adik tu...share air...ade ke patut...air dah semua memang dlm bath tub tu...haih...

antara dialog mereka...

mode: terhibur :-)
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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

9 months old faris nukman

Alhamdullillah...faris is 9 months old masyaAllah...

waving bye bye, clapping hands, walking and lots of babbling are some of his big milestone from 8 months until today...

his diet....

his eating lots of different food now...he love bread.. baby bites, still on pumpkins with some chicken, raisins, apricot, broccoli, rice cereal, sweet potato, carrots, bak choy and not to forget my breast milk.
fully bf and love plain water via sippy.

the texture is more bits not a puree anymore...more like a rough blend.

his not sure...maybe around 9.5 to 10kg...masyaAllah...

im training him to poop in toilet my own suprise...faris is on CD....full in day time...disposible nappy on night time...hahaha...gile x nak pakai cd konon...kan dah proud to say that I love it...dah pandai dah....jimat and toilet tu x de nappy busuk...tenang!!!!

he is one tall lil chap....wearing trousers for 12 - 18 months ngam2 what the obs use to say when he was in the womb...the femur lenght is exceed the other part of his body by 2 to 3 weeks...hahaha...baka bapaknye...hahaha

alahai...cepatnya masa berlalu....suka baby...but...but...but....haih....

I love you faris nukman

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Monday, 20 February 2012

pesta layang2 antarabangsa johor


ramai manusia


xde angin

banyak ais cream

banyak kedai

banyak org buang sampah


ps: next year dtg weekdays...
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desaru dan teman

semua ada di sini :-)
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Friday, 17 February 2012

siapa rik clay?...who is rik clay?

he is one clever young man...discovering the inside of freemason and new world order...

few days after his interview with red ice creation...

he died....

after the mass exposure of those secret...he died...

they said it to be suicide

but many thinks that he been murdered...

as a record..

those who trying or did exposed about the secret society...they end up being kill...

like what happen to JFK...bob Marley...and many more...

freemason are here in every state...

even our new coins are make with freemason symbols...

ps : please do read about it...and their plans....and the uk olympic zion...please do read...and watch in youtube.
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bila mlm

rehat :-)
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an evening in desaru

my warm tea and my super big extra fish desaru style pulut panggang...

harga 60 sen satu...taste so yummy...memang berbaloi

alone...time to myself....updating my blog....

its worldly heaven...

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extra with me in my holiday




lappy and kids books
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live from desaru

sambil menyelam minum air....sambil abg berbengkel kami bercuti.

lokasi : lotus desaru...

blok G depan water park... xde...

best Alhamdullillah....
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Thursday, 16 February 2012

bila faris beraksi

pantang tengok camera....ini lah hasilnya...
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