Alhamdullillah..Haris now have his own routine at home...having a mom as a full time mommy at's a waste of time if i don't do anything a bout decided to start him with a FUN and enjoyable home schooling...
Like a normal's start in the morning...but our school is not stressing at all...i have my own sillibus and haris is just 3 yrs old ( i start this ''program '' when haris is 3 yrs 5 months)...the school is full of fun and he will do things that he the morning..i will tell him what the main topic we will do..ask him if he like it or not..if not..change to new one..if yes...that' a good new for me.....hahaha
the learning season is all the time..meaning..he can stop if he want...or just do what ever he i will be there to guide him...
Alhamdullillah...i've started haris with reading lesson ( 3 yrs 3 months)...and writing lesson at 3 yrs 5 months...and now at 3 yrs 10 months..he is reading and writing and having fun with all the books..:) masyaAllah
i just start him with math...he just love's only take me one lesson for writing numbers..and wallah...he's done it...he know how to count and recognize number till 100 masya Allah .. he knows how to do sums ( adding)...and next weeks will be the substraction( taking away)...Alhamdullillah..masyaAllah
He is also learning he is going into book 3...i make it slow and rush..i want him to really know and understand's not a matter of finishing it...learning for his own good...not mine..:)
and the most fun bits that he mostly love is the...creative activity....he just it!...
here are some of the things that he have done....and Alhamdullillah...masyaAllah for all the achievement
Haris...mama is very proud of you...:)
macam best jer sekolah makcik siti nie... anis nak join jgk bleh??
boleh2....meh laaa.:)
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