Thursday, 11 March 2010

Aisyah 15 months...

dah berzaman nye budak kecik ni 15 bulan..

apa yg baru...???

erm...adalah few words yg baru...aisyah juga bi langual..boleh eng n malay macam haris...dan faham pun both eng n malay..MasyaAllah..

sgt2 suka baca buku...masyaAllah...sambil2 tunjuk2 this that tu..tepuk2 mama suruh tengok apa yg dia tunjuk..masyaAllah...

dah kenal hampir semua benda dalam buku2 yg dia suka baca...masyaAllah...setiap hari sebelum tido..pagi ke petang ke malam ke...mesti ada at least 20 menet nak kena mengadap dia nak membaca..masyaAllah...4-5 buku pulak tu...kering tekak mama...tak pe lah aisyah..janji aisyah happy n boleh tidor lepas tu..kalau tak...haruuuuuu..tak masak le mama...:P

dah kenal few shapes....masyaAllah...

makan pun ok lah sekarang...masyaAllah...suka sgt kunyah brokoli...naik lapar mama tengok aisyah makan brokoli tu..masyaAllah...

badan nye..alahai...petit...tapi ok lah..janji sehat..masyaAllah... :)

Semoga Aisyah sumayyah menjadi anak yg solehah, mujahiddah dan baik budi perkerti nya.....sehat tubuh badan....sentiasa taat pada Allah dan rasul...serta di murahkan rezeki oleh Allah...Allah permudahkkan urusan anak2 ku, muhammad haris zafran dan aisyah sumayyah di dunia dan di akhirat...Amin..ya Allah..Amin....

Saturday, 6 March 2010

haris and aisyah visit anis and aina

punya lah jauh kan...since balik dari UK...kami tak sampai2 lagi rumah anis n aina....

jadi sejarah lah semalam...selepas 8 bulan...kami pun sampai ke rumah mereka yg terletak kira2 15 minit dari rumah kami dgn menaiki kereta...

sangat lah cantik rumah baru anis n aina...

sangat lah chomel anis dan aina...

sangat lah seronok mereka bermain bersama...

nanti ade masa kami datang lagi...kalau anis n aina nak datang umah haris n aisyah pun sgt lah di alu2 kan... :)

layan ye gambar2 ini..:P

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

main pondok2..sambil makan2..:P

my school..

Alhamdullillah..Haris now have his own routine at home...having a mom as a full time mommy at's a waste of time if i don't do anything a bout decided to start him with a FUN and enjoyable home schooling...

Like a normal's start in the morning...but our school is not stressing at all...i have my own sillibus and haris is just 3 yrs old ( i start this ''program '' when haris is 3 yrs 5 months)...the school is full of fun and he will do things that he the morning..i will tell him what the main topic we will do..ask him if he like it or not..if not..change to new one..if yes...that' a good new for me.....hahaha

the learning season is all the time..meaning..he can stop if he want...or just do what ever he i will be there to guide him...

Alhamdullillah...i've started haris with reading lesson ( 3 yrs 3 months)...and writing lesson at 3 yrs 5 months...and now at 3 yrs 10 months..he is reading and writing and having fun with all the books..:) masyaAllah
i just start him with math...he just love's only take me one lesson for writing numbers..and wallah...he's done it...he know how to count and recognize number till 100 masya Allah .. he knows how to do sums ( adding)...and next weeks will be the substraction( taking away)...Alhamdullillah..masyaAllah

He is also learning he is going into book 3...i make it slow and rush..i want him to really know and understand's not a matter of finishing it...learning for his own good...not mine..:)

and the most fun bits that he mostly love is the...creative activity....he just it!...

here are some of the things that he have done....and Alhamdullillah...masyaAllah for all the achievement

Haris...mama is very proud of you...:)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

anak mama...dah besar..:)

aisyah dan haris...mereka dah besar...dan semakin bijak dan penuh gelagat2 lucu...masyaAllah...

aisyah dah ade hand full of words...and haris dah mula menunjukkan sifat seorang abg yg berkaliber... :P
