I'm happy like a little bunny.....
Friday, 27 February 2009
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Haris ke Harisah ni?
Monday, 23 February 2009
The reason...
this post is the answer to my dear friend Teh...
At first..i just want to answer in comment box..but i think i just make an entry for this one..
i have a very strong reason for not giving my babies vaccination.....
it's good if all of u can dig more about this in the net...there are alot of researcher that have papers on this..and alot of people with knowledge about this thing....
i'm jut human...any mistake please forgive me..Allah knows best...
At first..i just want to answer in comment box..but i think i just make an entry for this one..
i have a very strong reason for not giving my babies vaccination.....
- I strongly believe...Everything is in Allah hand...if Allah say YES...even with tones of vaccine u will get it and vice versa...if He say NO...you will be safe from it insyaAllah even without vaccine...not the vaccine who protect you..it's Your Creator...Allah..and if we get the problem...Allah knows best what is the best for us....
- Vaccine from research...is not 100% protactive..meaning..you still can get the disease...
- All vaccine have a side effect...long term...nerve problem..diabetes...Autism...leukimia...arghhhh u name it...instead of ''protecting u'' it will kill you slowly...want to know more..go to ARNICA website
- From research they said that..all this community disease have improve not becoz of vaccine...it is becoz of our social hygiene have improve...ye la...sekarang org ada air bersih..ada toilet..sistem buang sampah yg baik...rumah tak over crowded...so penyakit2 community ni dah kurang...but since the vaccine is introduce..all this uncommon disease like nerve dis and developmental dis like Autism, ADHD is increasing..up to 300 fold..takut tak?
- About the Haram thing...i did ask my friend who also did not give vaccine to her children...she decided no to give after she ask opinion from a Alim here...u know what...actually...it's not darurat to have vaccine...u not gonna surely die from not taking this vaccine kan?..and there are alot of people yg selamat hidup tak amik vaccine...and surprisingly...there are people actually die and have a permanent brain damage from taking vaccine....so..why we choose to put haram thing in our body dat can be dangerous to us....i don't think we can actually..
it's good if all of u can dig more about this in the net...there are alot of researcher that have papers on this..and alot of people with knowledge about this thing....
i'm jut human...any mistake please forgive me..Allah knows best...
I'm the new member of ARNICA
Sorry to say..i'm now a new member to ARNICA.....i know..i'm a medical degree holder..but for the sake of my children...i have to go againts the rules...
Both my children is almost free from immunization....Haris just have BCG and the first 3 serangkai( in malaysia) sebab tak pandai lagi...Aisyah just BCG( in uk)...ini pun di sebabkan dah terpergi gp...malas nak bertekak ngan mat salleh ni....if not...tak de lah...
It's up to you all...what u think is the best for your baby..and i think this is the best...and there are thing that actually haram in the vaccine ( geletin, animal fat,death fetus tissue)...so i don't want to be answerable for them in Akhirat...just becoz of my ignorant...
want to know more about ARNICA and vaccine...just ask Google...
Mommy of two..Alhamdullillah....
Both my children is almost free from immunization....Haris just have BCG and the first 3 serangkai( in malaysia) sebab tak pandai lagi...Aisyah just BCG( in uk)...ini pun di sebabkan dah terpergi gp...malas nak bertekak ngan mat salleh ni....if not...tak de lah...
It's up to you all...what u think is the best for your baby..and i think this is the best...and there are thing that actually haram in the vaccine ( geletin, animal fat,death fetus tissue)...so i don't want to be answerable for them in Akhirat...just becoz of my ignorant...
want to know more about ARNICA and vaccine...just ask Google...
Mommy of two..Alhamdullillah....
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Haris now can talk like Adult...i really mean like an Adult...
His usual conversation...and menyampuk...
mama: Alah...Abang..ayam dah habis
Haris: mama..what happen?
mama:our chicken stock finish already....(muka sedih)
haris:oh...that is dangerous...oh noo...
mama gelak macam nak pecah perut...
mama: Abah we need to buy chicken ye
Haris: Abah...Abah..buy chicken in shop...
next one...to SHOW how much he love His sister...
Haris: mama..i want to go in the tent...(buat dari Duvet)
mama:can mama and baby Aisyah come in too...
haris: mama...can....
mama: Baby Aisyah?
Haris: oh....baby Aisyah cannot...she is too small....mama can come in...( sambil muka munchung dan tutup pintu tent tu...
mama:Are you sure
Haris: Yes..i'm sure....( firm bunyi nye)
mama n abah...gelak!
Mari masak...
Haris: mama...i want to make donut...
Mama: later ye..'im cooking ni
haris: mama...please..please..pleaseeeeee....(muka sekupang)...i want to make donut...can you make one plaese...
Haris: can you put some food coloring..i want red one and green one please...
mama: no...choose only one colour..
haris:erm...i want red please...
mama: ok..
haris: ok..thank you...
bila 1/2 jam dia habis menguli donut die..dan dah sepah kan donut tu....dia dtg kat mama
haris: mama...i want the green one please....can you give the green food coloring?..
mama: no!...(muka marah)
Haris:..erm...ok..(muka sedih)
Haris pergi depan...sambil muka sedih..duduk..tak buat aper2...kalau kite tengok memang sedih lah...
mama: haris why?..( tengok muka haris sedih)
haris:mama marah...
mama: why did mama marah?
haris...diam..sambil tgn tunjuk pada donut yg dah hancur berkecai dan bertabur..
mama: yer lah...Haris make a mess kan..
mama:now..mama tak marah dah...mama sayang
haris: i love u?...
mama: yea...i love u...
Haris datang kiss mama dan mama pun kiss haris...
Oh...dah besar rupa nya Haris...MasyaAllah....i love you darling...
His usual conversation...and menyampuk...
mama: Alah...Abang..ayam dah habis
Haris: mama..what happen?
mama:our chicken stock finish already....(muka sedih)
haris:oh...that is dangerous...oh noo...
mama gelak macam nak pecah perut...
mama: Abah we need to buy chicken ye
Haris: Abah...Abah..buy chicken in shop...
next one...to SHOW how much he love His sister...
Haris: mama..i want to go in the tent...(buat dari Duvet)
mama:can mama and baby Aisyah come in too...
haris: mama...can....
mama: Baby Aisyah?
Haris: oh....baby Aisyah cannot...she is too small....mama can come in...( sambil muka munchung dan tutup pintu tent tu...
mama:Are you sure
Haris: Yes..i'm sure....( firm bunyi nye)
mama n abah...gelak!
Mari masak...
Haris: mama...i want to make donut...
Mama: later ye..'im cooking ni
haris: mama...please..please..pleaseeeeee....(muka sekupang)...i want to make donut...can you make one plaese...
Haris: can you put some food coloring..i want red one and green one please...
mama: no...choose only one colour..
haris:erm...i want red please...
mama: ok..
haris: ok..thank you...
bila 1/2 jam dia habis menguli donut die..dan dah sepah kan donut tu....dia dtg kat mama
haris: mama...i want the green one please....can you give the green food coloring?..
mama: no!...(muka marah)
Haris:..erm...ok..(muka sedih)
Haris pergi depan...sambil muka sedih..duduk..tak buat aper2...kalau kite tengok memang sedih lah...
mama: haris why?..( tengok muka haris sedih)
haris:mama marah...
mama: why did mama marah?
haris...diam..sambil tgn tunjuk pada donut yg dah hancur berkecai dan bertabur..
mama: yer lah...Haris make a mess kan..
mama:now..mama tak marah dah...mama sayang
haris: i love u?...
mama: yea...i love u...
Haris datang kiss mama dan mama pun kiss haris...
Oh...dah besar rupa nya Haris...MasyaAllah....i love you darling...
Friday, 20 February 2009
Aisyah...i love u....
The real prove...how much Big bro Haris love his lil sister Aisyah...even in sleeping...he still put his hand on her...''wink''
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Haris Fav!...
This is my only fav toys..my giraffe, my cat, my truck, my caterpillar and my duck....
So..this is all about me...ade sapa2 yg berkenan...boleh masuk meminang....hahaha...
love u mama, abah and baby Aisyah...
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Izu's lil Angel!
Finally....My dear friend Izu( From coventry to malaysia) had delivered a very beautiful baby girl.....she is ..i mean really is an adorable baby..MasyaAllah...wah..i can't wait lah tu go back to malaysia....singgah melaka...and give this Darling a big kiss...
Izu and family..congrats..may Allah have His Mercy and Blessing to you n your family
Izu...Welcome to the club....''Mommy of 2''
Sunday, 15 February 2009

Oh..ini lah padah nye ada anak perempuan....habis dah mama kasik melaram...ni antara gambar koleksi baju musim sejuk ye...pakai dalam rumah...belom keluar lagi tu..hahahah...sakit2....tak per la Aisyah...nanti dekat msia mana nak pakai semua ni...lagi pun masa baby ni lah nak mama laram kan...besar2 nanti kene tutup semua....heheheh......
Friday, 13 February 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
ohhh..ini lah saya ye?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
hari ini
ini kes berat ni...mama kesian dekat aisyah kena tinggal if mama masak dekat dapur...jadi mama pun bubuh lah aisyah dalam kantung ajaib ni...punya lah sedap aisyah duduk dalam ni...5 minit aje..dah lena...and rupa2 nye..mama dah tak kuat nak bawak aisyah macam ni..sakit pinggang..jadi ku letak jua...
memang dia lena...sungguh2 tu...hehehe...
Friday, 6 February 2009
this year..memang record lah bagi kami di sini..sepanjang 4 thn di sini...ini lah kali pertama snow sampai 3 hari...sejuk..jgn cerita lah...kami berempat asyik berbungkus aje...
pada hari pertama snow...haris keluar ngan abah..gi main snow...hari kedua pulak..mama, abah n aisyah keluar amik gambar, haris tido dlm rumah....so amik gambar belakang rumah aje...dan hari ke tiga..mama keluar ngan haris pergi buat snowman...jadi kesimpulannya....tidak ada gambar kami berempat utksnow thn ni...huhuhuh...
gambar entry kali ni...yg hari ke 3 punya snow...kurang tebal..hari ke 2 lagi tebal.....sebab gambar ini yg di upload dulu...masuk gambar ini aje la...yg lain..tunggu entry seterusnya..hehehe
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Aisyah and butterfly
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Sejuk mata..
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