Finally..the moses basket is open..the house is practically ready for it's new's clean and tidy..aaaaaaa...lega lah....the only thing to do is wait...
Pray for me..Oh Allah...Make my task easy in this world and the hereafter..Amin...
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Saturday, 15 November 2008
It's saturday....
hohoho...Bila dah duduk kat tempat yg boring ni esp winter time...memang ternanti2 weekend ni...yer lah....
how's your weekend?...anything interesting?...enjoy while u can...coz monday is just around the corner!!!
- hubby cuti..not going to uni!..
- Ramai org ajak gi rumah...hehehehe...makan free...tak yah masak...mak buyung tired...
- Time nak melawat2 tempat shoping...but not now..i'm to ''heavy to walk''
- if kat dapor...kerja sama with hubby darling..masak sedap2...nasi beriani....pilau rice....nasik lemek...canggih2 nye lah..hehehe
- bermanja....bermesra...bergurau....berehat....semua lah ngan hubby n haris n perut ku yg besar ni!!!...
- visit..1 malaysian family with their new born baby boy
- visit..uncle jie...our pakistani friend here
- beli barang dapur..hehehe..wajib!
- my hubby ade app repair com org...his hobby!
how's your weekend?...anything interesting?...enjoy while u can...coz monday is just around the corner!!!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Today...feel very energetic...when i woke up for fajar..i go straigt to the frigde....take out 1 big plastic bag of mutton..and defrost my mind...''hari ni kite masak..kari kambing ni...pastu buat sup kambing sikit...rebus lama2 kasi lembut n sedap..mesti abang suke''...hahahah...and that will be the menu for today!!...
then...i make myself 1 cup of light..yap light coffee and make toast with butter...sit on my ''ready open'' sofa bed and enjoy my morning while reading my friend blog
it have been few days now that i been feeling rather down..erm....not because i dont' feel just physical is to tired..i've been vomiting without any reason...having tommy upset...back pain....all of this make me feel so misirable...but seems that i'm adapting to the situation quite feel strong ...Alhamdullillah...
My dear wont be long now for my baby to pop out...Just make doa for me...Everything goes well and please forgive me if i ever hurt anyones feeling from my writing...
will update the latest news...maybe with a new baby pict'' wink'' insyaAllah...can't wait...
ok need to cook now...daaaa....
then...i make myself 1 cup of light..yap light coffee and make toast with butter...sit on my ''ready open'' sofa bed and enjoy my morning while reading my friend blog
it have been few days now that i been feeling rather down..erm....not because i dont' feel just physical is to tired..i've been vomiting without any reason...having tommy upset...back pain....all of this make me feel so misirable...but seems that i'm adapting to the situation quite feel strong ...Alhamdullillah...
My dear wont be long now for my baby to pop out...Just make doa for me...Everything goes well and please forgive me if i ever hurt anyones feeling from my writing...
will update the latest news...maybe with a new baby pict'' wink'' insyaAllah...can't wait...
ok need to cook now...daaaa....
Saturday, 8 November 2008
the waiting...

Alhamdullillah...i'm 37 weeks ++ now...and it seems that the time fly so slow..hohoho...bila nak bersalin ni...last time haris, he was born at 38++ ...and they say that the second one usually faster...oh please make it true....rasa macam perut ni dah tight sgt...when the baby move..mak ai...sakit!!!....
as for my's more the when i had tummy....bigger the the last one...and when this add up...mama look more bulat...gemuk..chomel...montel then last the last one!....hua...boleh turun ke ni?..
i just remember..last time when i had haris...i was in malaysia...i bought this nice motherclub maternity me so nicely that time...hehehe...even just before delivery..masih cun n bergaya''wink''....and guess what..this time..i can't even wear it when i'm 34 weeks...aper nih?...tension2...nasib baik...ada banyak stock maternity cloth kat UK ni...still boleh bergaya utk mama yag bulat ni...hahahaha...
but the best part it...when i ask my darling Mr FKCH...''Abang..mama nampak gemuk ke?...and with the sweetest smile he reply...ada lah sikit..tapi mama tak nampak gemuk lah....ok aje''....hehehe...and actually...other people also say that i'm not that fat...the midwife here also say like that...and the like to say..oh...what a nice little bump there...nice to feel...yer ke nak tenang kan aku aje...huhuhu...
what ever it is...i still feel and look bigger then haris last time...and i like to eat more then haris...erm...anything will do now...mesti mkn...argh...biar betul...darling selalu cakap...tak pe lah mama..makan lapar tu...oh my darling...i don't think it's the baby...i think it just me!!!..noooooooo...
ok..need to stop's almost 8 am..and i'm damn hungry...nak makan lah....
see u all later..daaaa.....
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Evil eye part 2
Alhamdullillah...i did some more research about this thing..and i found alot of hadith that support it...amongs is from Bukhari and muwatta...
Malas pulak nak post satu2...just give u all the link to the buat entry after subuh ni..perut lapar..mata entry..hehehe...nak masak pulak ni...
i'm so lah cetek nye ilmu2 agama ni...but Allah love for those who want to learn and learn it with sincere...Just make the intention to please Allah..and Allah will surely help a way that u never think of...
Allah is so mercy...
Malas pulak nak post satu2...just give u all the link to the buat entry after subuh ni..perut lapar..mata entry..hehehe...nak masak pulak ni...
i'm so lah cetek nye ilmu2 agama ni...but Allah love for those who want to learn and learn it with sincere...Just make the intention to please Allah..and Allah will surely help a way that u never think of...
Allah is so mercy...
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Evil Eye..
i don't know about this evil eye until i learn it UK...
i was toold that this evil one out of 2 things that can change your is Doa..and one is evil eye..
i'm sure people in our culture have heard about...this petua...if u see budak montel2...jgn say montel nye..nanti budak tu kurus...yap that's evil eye...
actually people was saying it out of jealousy sama ada sedar atau tak can be a doa that will make the person who being evil eye to suffer...especially small children....and it can happen to anybody..
So Rasullullah also did warned us about this...and if u read surah L Falaq n An Nas will fine this evil eye montion in it....
So the thing that we can to to prevent our family from this is:
Panjang tazkirah hari ni..hehehe..harap dapat membantu..Amin
see u all later...bye....
i was toold that this evil one out of 2 things that can change your is Doa..and one is evil eye..
i'm sure people in our culture have heard about...this petua...if u see budak montel2...jgn say montel nye..nanti budak tu kurus...yap that's evil eye...
actually people was saying it out of jealousy sama ada sedar atau tak can be a doa that will make the person who being evil eye to suffer...especially small children....and it can happen to anybody..
So Rasullullah also did warned us about this...and if u read surah L Falaq n An Nas will fine this evil eye montion in it....
So the thing that we can to to prevent our family from this is:
- Try to keep all the good thing about our family to someone close and u can trust will not have the jealouse toward us...contoh..if anak kite pandai ke...kite bahagia ke...
- Read Surah Al ikhlas, Al Falaq and Annas all 3 times and blow to our child, ourself n hubby b4 sleep and in the morning..
- Read this doa: I seek of the perfect Words of Allah from the evil of every shaytan and poisonous reptile and from the evil of every piercing evil-eye...nanti i will post the arabic this 3 time morning and evening..
- and untuk elakkan kite dari memberi evil eye pada org lain secara tidak sedar...setiap kali kite memuji org...kiter kena cakap MasyaAllah....
Panjang tazkirah hari ni..hehehe..harap dapat membantu..Amin
see u all later...bye....
Sunday, 2 November 2008
First snow Coventry 2008
This year...the first snow is in Autumn...yap...freezing October without wasting any ''snow''...we put on our winter cloth n go outside with my darling 300D...snap few pict and rush back in as our finger is too painful even to press the camera button due to frost bites!
enjoy the pict!...
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