Friday, 9 May 2014

33 yrs younger!

since mama makin muda ni *wink* mama sekarang sgt2 suka menjadi housewife...mama enjoy my life to the fullest!

mama enjoy baking...

mama enjoy cooking...

mama enjoy being a mom to 4 lil and not so lil munchkins!

mama enjoy being darling's partner...

mama enjoy my new perfume...

mama enjoy my not so tidy house...

yes..i just fall for this not asking others to watch...i just say..i did watch this...Aiyoo!

mama enjoy having my time alone with lappy watching movies, youtube, blogging and FB

mama enjoy having my one and only daily friend : yati

just com back from this heaven on earth...manukan...

mama enjoy going out...

mama enjoy going to lovely lace and body shop...


ps: i enjoy being kiss by him and the kids!

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