i just come across one of my friend who live in the UK...his son is same age as my son..and was diagnose to have this problem...
It's a shock actually..as we did have time together and our sons did being together at that time...
and now..the family is making an effort to make an appeal ( as we can donate) to make sure that they have enough money to help his boy to live life as other boy can be...please do visit this site...imaan
and from this site i have found a very interesting vid about MMR vaccination and Autism..unfortunately..i cant upload it in my blog..but u can go to imaan website and see the vid...:)
very interesting vid..and u can see all the proves and lies..oh dear..oh dear..an yet..in this country..malaysia...parents can be put to jail if the child is not vaccinated...hahaha...what a joke...
this case is happening in the Uk..negara maju giler...far from our country...just imagine...just sit and think...we are a 3rd world country...a country with no power or what so ever....and a country for them to test the new drugs and vaccine...why our country?..because..if things like this happens ( and i'm sure we have but we are to kind to keep it to ourself) ...no body will do anything..and no one cares....when i was a medical student...i've heard my lecturer was saying about the 3rd world country have been ''selected'' to be tested for hepatitis B new vaccine..what an honour!
please spare some times to watch this informative vid...it may take one hour plus ( including uploading) but i'm sure..this is an eye opening vid for those who want to think...
i leave this to you all to sit and think...remember..the vaccination regime and productions involve billions of dollars..and supported by BIG and POWERFULL people...no wonder its very2 difficult to change it..and for sure they will do anything to save it...anything!!...i have a very strong feeling about this...'' ini angkara yahudi '' ...why?...because..only the yahud ( jews) have the idea of other nation/race/religion are all animals and surely....'' they only want jews to rule the world'' ...
it's my opinion...if u don't agree...please keep it to yourself....i just do what i think is best to spread this information to other moms...as..for me..i have made up my mind...my children's need to be free from all this things...and i only have my trust in Allah..and not in man made vaccine with tones of possible complications and were made from all sort of poison and haram things..:)..feel free to google too okay!
Ps: i do some reading..and from my personal observation ( my fellow muslim friends in the UK) they give their child honey and black seed oil to boost the immunity ..and surely..u can find in the hadith narration about the goodness and benefit of these Bless foods from Allah... and my children...i feed them honey on regular basis.. Alhamdullillah and masyaAllah....i play my part...and the rest is to Allah...remember..it is Allah who gives and takes everything in this world..and no exception to our health too...
some more information MMR
May this entry benefit us..InsyaAllah...
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